Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Military

As this is somewhat less than 20 years' amortization charge on $5,000, it obviously does not represent the total monthly cost. Vlfe recommend that this item be' deleted from the budget, unless full cost figures are supplied for Leg- islative review which will furnish adequate justification.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Motor Vehicles

1957 Budget Analysis: Motor Vehicles (10.7) Work Load positions are to meet anticipated work load in the existing branches. clerical positions are for the Los Angeles files to handle in- creased work load. motor vehicle III position is for the drivers license examiner training school in Fresno. motor vehicle representative V position is to supervise the additional district

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Alcoholic Beverage Control

This survey recoIllmended an alternative proposal for the organization of the de- partIllent which would include an investigative training unit primarily for the purpose of conducting training schools and tentatively pro- vided for a re-registration unit, which, if determined to be feasible, would have permitted the centralized issuance 6f renewal licenses.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Veterans

At the time of leasing the physical facilities to the private contractor in May, 1954, a five-year lease was entered into which brings in $12,000 in revenue per year. This would indicate that the net per capita cost is $1,800 per year.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

A check of the higher grades in the Division of Resources Plamiing shows a remarkable increase during the current year. Grade Fiscal Year 1955-56 Fiscal Year 1957-58 Principal or equivalenL ____________ 2 man-years Supervising or equivalenL _________ 2 man-years Senior or equivalenL ______________ 7

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

State funds to match an additional $2,781,561 in federal funds available during the current year are not requested for the budget year, as contracts involving these funds will not be formalized until the 1958-59 Fiscal Year.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

1958 Budget Analysis: Transmittal CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE 1958 REGULAR SESSION ANALYSIS OF THE BUDGET Bill of the STATE OF CALIFORNIA Fiscal Year July 1, 1958, to June 3D, 1959 Report of the Legislative Analyst to the Joint legislative Budget Committee SENATORS.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Preliminary Statement

This reserve was used this year to provide $18,673,000 of the increased cost of school apportionments and the remainder is scheduled to be transferred in the budget year. 4. Soil Conservation Development.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Legislative Branch

(Government Oode, Sec. 9358.) 5 Legislators' Retirement Fund-Continued· Membership in the ~System As of June 30th each year Estimated 1956 Number of members ________________________ 171 Retired members and beneficiaries____________ 15 Active member deaths during year____________ 1 1 Includes one nonlegislative constitutional officer. 1957 178 21 1958 1959 178 178 22 271 1

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Judicial Branch

This position is based on the increased work- load of the statistics section which shows an increase of 53 percent over a period of six years in the number of reports annually filed with Judi- cial Council. '.