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Overhauling the State's Infrastructure--Planning and Financing Process [Publication Details]

Dec 21, 1998 - Overhauling the State's Infrastructure--Planning and Financing Process [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Cal Facts: California's Economy and Budget in Perspective-1998 [Publication Details]

Dec 18, 1998 - Various "snapshots" of information--particularly graphics--that provide a broad overview of public finance and program trends in the state.

State Should Employ "Best Practices" On Information Technology Projects [Publication Details]

Dec 15, 1998 - State Should Employ "Best Practices" On Information Technology Projects [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

LAO Recommended Legislation [Publication Details]

Dec 1, 1998 - LAO Recommended Legislation [Publication Details] HTML Description: The role of the Legislative Analyst's Office is to review state programs and make recommendations to the Legislature as to how the state can operate more effectively and efficiently.

The 1998-99 Budget Act and Related Legislation [Publication Details]

Oct 28, 1998 - The 1998-99 Budget Act and Related Legislation [Publication Details] Description: The 1998-99 budget, signed into law by Governor Wilson on August 18, 1998, authorizes total state spending of $72 billion, including $57.3 billion from the General Fund and $14.7 billion from special funds.

State and Regional Economic Developments in California [Publication Details]

Sep 23, 1998 - State and Regional Economic Developments in California [Publication Details] Description: This report examines recent economic developments in California, with special emphasis on how the state's major geographic economic regions have been faring.

What the New Federal Act Means for California Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century [Publication Details]

Aug 26, 1998 - We review the 1998 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA 21) which reauthorized the federal transportation program. The TEA 21 authorized $217 billion to be invested in highway and transit infrastructure in the United States over the next six years.

Major Features of the California Budget 1998-99 [Publication Details]

Aug 24, 1998 - On August 21, 1998, the Governor signed the 1998-99 Budget Act, which along with various implementing measures (trailer bills), comprise a budget package that authorizes total state spending of $72 billion. This total includes $57.3 billion from the General Fund (a 7.3 percent increase from 1997-98) and $14.7 billion from special funds (a 1.7 percent increase).

Hazardous Substances State Superfund Reauthorization Expediting Hazardous Substance Site Cleanups [Publication Details]

Aug 18, 1998 - Hazardous Substances State Superfund Reauthorization Expediting Hazardous Substance Site Cleanups [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Overview of the May Revision 1998-99 [Publication Details]

May 18, 1998 - Overview of the May Revision 1998-99 [Publication Details] Description: For the third year in a row, the May Revision reflects a major improvement in the state's fiscal picture. Reports by Policy Area