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[PDF] LAO 2005-06 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay Chapter

In response, the Governor’s budget proposes to close two more fire and conservation camps—Ben Lomond in Santa Cruz and Washington Ridge in Nevada City. The closures would leave two camps still open, with a capacity of around 150 beds, for less violent wards.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Department of the Youth Authority (5460)

Juveniles committed to CDC (and transferred to the Youth Authority) were convicted of very serious criminal offenses such as murder, rape, and other specified felony sex offenses. These juveniles may be transferred to the CDC prison system at the age of 18.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: K-12 Introduction

However, technical adjustments to the VLF swap and triple flip amounts require an additional $675  million to be transferred from schools to local government. Thus, the growth in local property tax revenues in 2005-06 is only $401  million (3.6  percent).

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: California Community Colleges (6870)

The Cal-PASS helps districts identify problems in areas of particular concern to the state, including transfer and remediation. Identifying these problems is a first step toward improving performance.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Department of Technology Services (1955)

The HHSDC management of several large IT projects is being proposed to be transferred to the Health and Human Services Agency (please see the "Health and Social Services " Chapter for a discussion of this proposal).

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Developmental Services (4300)

They generally pay for services only if an individual does not have private insurance or they cannot refer an individual to so-called "generic " services that are provided at the local level by counties, cities, school districts, and other agencies.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Department of Water Resources (3860)

T he agreement that transferred the system to the state stipulated that the state would be responsible for operation and maintenance of the system, and would hold the federal governm ent harmless from any future liability claims.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Department of Transportation (2660)

The large increase in expenditures is based on a large projected increase in PTA revenues due to a one-time transfer of $275  million into PTA from the sale of tribal gaming bonds. (Please see our discussion of Caltrans' funding issues in The 2005-06 Budget: Perspectives and Issues for more information on tribal gaming bond revenue.)

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: California Highway Patrol (2720)

In fact, many local law enforcement agencies, including the Cities of Los Angeles and Sacramento, usually instruct parties to a property-damage-only accident to exchange pertinent information, notify the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), and contac t their insurance companies for further investigation and resolution of the matter.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Department of Motor Vehicles (2740)

(These offices are se parate from DMV's 167 customer-service field offices, which issue original and renewal driver licenses to qualified drivers, in addition to registering vehicles, transferring v ehicle ownership, and providing numerous other services.)