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Webcast: Evaluating the Sale-Leaseback Proposal: Should the State Sell its Office Buildings? [Publication Details]

Apr 27, 2010 - Webcast: Evaluating the Sale-Leaseback Proposal: Should the State Sell its Office Buildings? [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

2011 Realignment: Addressing Issues to Promote Its Long-Term Success [Publication Details]

Aug 19, 2011 - 2011 Realignment: Addressing Issues to Promote Its Long-Term Success [Publication Details] 2011 Realignment: Addressing Issues to Promote Its Long-Term Success Format: HTML Description: As part of the 2011-12 budget plan, the Legislature enacted a major shift—or “realignment”—of state program responsibilities and revenues to local governments.

The State Appropriations Limit [Publication Details]

Apr 12, 2000 - The State Appropriations Limit [Publication Details] HTML Description: California's state appropriations limit (SAL)--which grows annually by a population and cost-of-living factor--places an "upper bound" each year on the amount of monies that can be spent from state tax proceeds.

Out-of-State Correctional Facility Program [Publication Details]

Jan 20, 2010 - Out-of-State Correctional Facility Program [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

State Fiscal Picture 2005-06 [Publication Details]

Feb 22, 2005 - Without the adoption of ongoing solutions of the magnitude offered by the budget plan, the 2005-06 budget would be precariously balanced and the state would experience major budget shortfalls in 2006-07 and beyond.

The 2013-14 Budget: Analysis of Governor’s Proposition 39 Proposal [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 2013 - The 2013-14 Budget: Analysis of Governor’s Proposition 39 Proposal [Publication Details] The 2013-14 Budget: Analysis of Governor’s Proposition 39 Proposal Format: HTML Description: The Governor’s 2013‑14 budget includes a plan to implement the provisions of Proposition 39, which increases state corporate tax (CT) revenues and requires that half of these revenues for a five-year period be used for energy efficiency and alternative energy projects.

Streamlining Nursing Education Pathways: A Progress Report On Assembly Bill 1295 (Fuller) [Publication Details]

Mar 15, 2011 - Streamlining Nursing Education Pathways: A Progress Report On Assembly Bill 1295 (Fuller) [Publication Details] Streamlining Nursing Education Pathways: A Progress Report On Assembly Bill 1295 (Fuller) Format: PDF Description: Chapter 283, Statutes of 2009 (AB 1295, Fuller), requires our office to report by March 15, 2011 on the progress of the California Community Colleges (CCC) and California

The 1990-91 Budget: Perspectives and Issues [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1990 - Here we review the state's fiscal condition, the major areas where de-mand for state services is outstripping its ability to provide them, and the extent to which the state's existing revenue base is capable of supporting the delivery of existing and additional state services.

A Review of the CalSTRS Funding Plan: Funding Plan May Not Meet Principle of “Shared Responsibility” [Publication Details]

Feb 2, 2016 - This post is the sixth in a series looking at the implementation of the CalSTRS funding plan. In this post, we describe how the plan might fall short of meeting the principle of “shared responsibility,” a key goal of the Legislature in passing the plan. Specifically, we explain how the state may not incur higher costs under the funding plan.

Webcast: Considering the State Costs and Benefits--In-Home Supportive Services Program [Publication Details]

Jan 21, 2010 - Webcast: Considering the State Costs and Benefits--In-Home Supportive Services Program [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.