Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] The Victim's Rights and Protection Act: Marsy's Law (version 2)

The state, counties, and cities employ several thousand attorneys who specialize in the prosecution of criminal offenses. In general, pay and benefits for the attorneys are determined by the legislative bodies of their respective employers— including the Legislature, county boards of supervisors, and city councils—as a part of those bodies’ responsibilities to budget public funds.

[PDF] Eminent Domain Protection Act

In other cases, government buys property with the intention of transferring it to (1) new owners to develop businesses or (2) nonprofit organizations to provide af- fordable housing. Most of the time, government buys property from willing sellers.

[PDF] The Children’s Health Insurance and Youth Smoking Prevention Act of 2008

Children up to age two in fami- lies with incomes below 300 percent of FPL, and who have transferred from the state's Access for Infants and Mothers program, also receive coverage under HFP. Children for whom HFP applications are filed must generally be an eligible United States citizen or a qualified alien.

[PDF] The California Public Safety and Law Enforcement Act

The data- base would also include any officer deemed to be “troubled or at-risk” by the state, county, or city agencies that employ them. Requires Specified Law Enforcement Training. The measure requires state, county, and city law enforcement agencies to train officers in “diffusing situations and deesca- lating violence” and the use of alternatives to lethal force.

[PDF] The McCauley-Rooker Wealth Tax and Oceans Preservation Act

The measure, however, also allows the state, under specified circumstances, to transfer up to $14 billion of these remaining funds annually to the General Fund each year for up to five years after the enactment of the initiative.

[PDF] Corporate Taxes

The credit-sharing provision will allow a firm with more credits than it can use (because its available credits exceed its total tax bill) to transfer its unused credits to an- other firm in the same unitary (or combined) group starting in 2010.

[PDF] The McCauley-Rosen Wealth Tax and Oceans Preservation Act

The measure transfers $25 billion from the Environmental Super- fund to the General Fund for five consecutive years. Beginning in the sixth year, the measure transfers $10 billion annually from the superfund into the General Fund.

[PDF] Comprehensive Tax Reform Initiative (Amendment #1-S)

Counties, cities, and other local governments would receive a portion of the land tax revenue. The measure requires that, in the fiscal year following the passage of the measure, the apportionment would be at least equal to the annual average amount of total revenues collected by each entity during the three- year period from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2011.

[PDF] Local Taxpayer, Public Safety, and Transportation Act of 2010 (Version 2) Revised

Proposition 42 (2002) Transfer. The Constitution requires that the gasoline sales tax revenues deposited into the General Fund be transferred to the Transportation Invest- ment Fund (TIF). These funds have been counted as tax revenues for purposes of calcu- lating the minimum amount of K-14 education funding required under Proposition 98.

[PDF] California Cancer Research Act (Amdt. #2-NS)

Transfers Permitted From Facilities Fund. In the event the committee determined that there was a surplus in the Hope 2010 Facilities Fund, the measure authorizes the Committee to transfer those monies to the Hope 2010 Research Fund, the Hope 2010 Smoking Cessation Fund, or the Hope 2010 Law Enforcement Fund.