Results for homelessness

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Legislative Analyst's Office: Recent Local Government Publications

The 2022-23 Budget: The Governor’s Homelessness Plan This brief provides an update on some major recent state budget actions related to homelessness, describes the Governor’s homelessness budget proposals, and raises issues for the Legislature’s consideration.

[PDF] Major Recent Homelessness Spending Actions

More people experience homelessness in California than any other state. In January 2020—the most recent year federal data is available—California had about 161,500 individuals experiencing homelessness, which represented about 28 percent of the total homeless population in the nation.

[PDF] California’s Housing and Homelessness Challenges in Context

For this population, job loss or an unexpected expense could result in homelessness.  California Has a Disproportionate Share of Homeless Population. California has more people experiencing homelessness than any other state in the nation.

[PDF] State Grant Accountability and Transparency

Examples of Challenges and Potential Areas for Improvement. „ Even with the breadth of readily available information, the impact of the program on addressing homelessness is not known. For example, do program participants remain stably housed on an ongoing basis?

[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: Green School Bus Grants

. • The federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act requires a district to transport homeless students in certain circumstances, generally related to avoiding disruptions in their education. • State law requires a district to provide transportation assistance to low-income students who have transferred into the district on interdistrict permits (if requested by their parents/guardians).

[PDF] Drug Use in California

Lastly, homeless persons are estimated to have a high rate of alcohol-related problems. For example, in 1988 the Rand Insti- tute reported that 57 percent of the homeless in Alameda, Orange, and Yolo Counties had an alcohol abuse problem.

[PDF] Reforming California's Mental Health System

In addition to broad allocations of funds to counties, the Legislature has appropriated funds to serve particular pop- ulations with special needs, such as homeless persons and children receiving special educa- tion.

California and the Census2000

What About the Homeless? In 2000, the Census Bureau will enumerate people at service locations (such as shelters, soup kitchens, and regularly scheduled food vans) that primarily serve people without hous ing.

Major Milestones: 43 Years of Care and Treatment of the Mentally Ill

All Medi-Cal recipients are required to obtain these service s through the MHP. 1999 Chapter 617 (AB 34, Steinberg) Authorizes grants totaling $9.5 million for one-year pilot programs in up to three counties to provide services to severely mentally ill adults who are (1) homeless, (2) recently r eleased from jail or prison, or (3) at risk of being homeless or incarcerated in the absence of services.

Major Features of the 2001-02 California Budget

In addition, the Governor vetoed $15  million in proposed spending for farmworker and multifamily housing and homeless services —leaving a $35  million increase in base spending from the past year. Resources The 2001 budget, as adopted by the Legislature, provides a total of $3.6  billion for resources programs, of which $1.3  billion is from the General Fund and $1  billion is from bond funds.