Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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2002-03 May Revision

The budget plan defers funding for about $1.6  billion of local agency mandate reimbursement claims, roughly half of which would have been paid to cities and counties. Issues and Considerationsfor the Legislature In evaluating the May Revision proposal, the Legislature may find it helpful to focus on three general questions: First, does the budget plan work?

[PDF] The Inalienable Rights Enforcement Initiative

Local IREBs would generally be es- tablished at the county or city level and would be comprised of no fewer than five members elected to serve three-year terms. (The measure neither limits the number of local IREBs nor specifies the geographic areas that local IREBs would represent.)

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Department of Parks and Recreation

The City of Sacramento uses contracts to provide some of the landscaping and maintenance activities at its new parks. At the state level, New York has experimented using the private sector to provide basic maintenance activities.

2004 Initiative Analysis: California Budget Deficit Prevention Act

The Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies (cities, counties, special districts, and K-14 school and community college districts) for the cost of implementing a state mandated “new program” or “higher level of service,” unless the mandate pertains to a crime or infraction or other conditions apply.

[PDF] High-Speed Rail Authority: The Draft 2012 Business Plan and Funding Plan

This comparison is very problematic because $170 billion is not what the state would otherwise spend to address the growth in inter-city transportation demand. The HSRA estimates that the high-speed train system would have the capacity to carry 116 million passengers per year but their highest forecasted ridership is signifi cantly less than that amount—44 million rides per year

[PDF] Supplemental Report Language Agenda 1992-93 Budget Conference Committee

San Francisco CCD, San Francisco City College: Architectural Barrier Removal. The amount of $493,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($205,000) and working drawings ($288,000) to remove all architectural barriers on the campus.

[PDF] The 2024-25 Budget: University of California

Figure 12 Many Debt-Financed Capital Projects at UC Remain in Early Phases (In Millions) Project Project Costa Annual Debt Service Bond Issuedb Current Phasec Student Housing Projects Riverside/Riverside City College $126.0 $8.9 Yes C Santa Cruz/Cabrillo College 111.8 8.1 No P Merced/Merced College 100.0 7.1 No P Berkeley 100.0 6.8 Yesd C San Diego—Pepper Canyon West 100.0 6.8

[PDF] Gaming.

At the same time, CA DOJ, county district attorneys, and city attorneys can pursue criminal actions seeking fines or convictions for violations of the state’s gaming laws. Tribal-State Compacts. Native American tribes possess special status under federal law.

[PDF] Cannabis and certain psychedelic drugs.

Under the measure, a city or county could ban or limit the number of entheogenic businesses within its boundaries if approved by the voters within that jurisdiction at a statewide election held in November.

[PDF] Tribal gaming.

At the same time, DOJ, county district attorneys, and city attorneys can pursue criminal actions seeking fines or convictions for violations of the state’s gaming laws. Tribal-State Compacts. Indian tribes possess special status under federal law.