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LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: General Government: Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund Deficit

Ensuring that any county receiving mitigation payments from a tribe with a recently amended compact does not also receive substantial SDF grant funding related to that tribe. (It is likely that this approach would reduce the percentage of annual SDF local grant funding distributed to Riverside County and San Bernardino County.)

[PDF] 1949 Budget Analysis: Executive

It was also reported at that' time that 48 counties and 193 cities were now participating in the Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Plan. A comparison of the foregoing state of progress with that reported on April 27, 1948, the date of the last meeting of the Disaster Council, shows that DIsaster Council organizations have been established in 71 cities and 44 counties,

[PDF] "California Voter's Bill of Rights"

The measure provides that city and county governments could avoid incurring these costs if they lacked the technological capability to comply with the provisions of the measure. To the extent that city and county governments opted out under this provi- sion, local government costs for implementing this measure would be reduced but state implementation costs would increase.

[PDF] Assessment of CDCR Blueprint

Prison Population Higher Than Expected 6L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E January 30, 2014 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE (In Millions)  The blueprint assumed that the reductions proposed for parts of CDCR’s budget would exceed the amount of funding provided to counties for the corrections portion of the 2011 realignment.  The revised blueprint reductions are

Frequently asked questions concerning Facebook and California's General Fund

Aug 1, 2012 - Moreover, it takes many months for data concerning a tax year's payments to be processed by the state's tax agencies. At some point in the future, for these and other reasons, state revenue estimates likely will change to display Facebook-related revenues as simply "lumped in" with the state's other taxes.

[PDF] The 2024-25 Budget: CalWORKs

Given counties consistently underspent total single allocation funds in recent years, along with the fungibility of single allocation funds between the components, counties may be able to fully fund current activities under the Governor’s proposal.

2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; Medi-Cal

In October 1999, DOF approved rate incre ases proposed by DHS for Medi-Cal managed care plans operating in the 12 counties under the "two-plan" model (primarily those counties with the largest Medi-Cal caseloads).

Analysis of Education Mandates

If the city or county chooses to levy a developer fee under these circumstances, state law requires the school district to report certain information to the city and county regarding the fee revenue it receives and its spending on facilities.

Income taxes reportedly over $2 billion below administration's estimate for April

May 1, 2012 - Income taxes reportedly over $2 billion below administration's estimate for April Income taxes reportedly over $2 billion below administration's estimate for April Program: This is an update on 2011-12 year-to-date state personal income tax and corporation tax collections.

Amid Good Fiscal Times, Planning for the Future Is Crucial [Publication Details]

May 21, 2019 - Later, when the economy and tax receipts weaken, the state can draw upon its accumulated savings to fund a spending level above what revenues would otherwise support. Exercising spending restraint during good times promotes fiscal sustainability and dampens the need for austerity in subsequent recessions, thus, facilitating policy stability.