Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, State Controller (0840)

The Controller is also a member of various boards and commissions, including the Board of Equalization, the Franchise Tax Board, the Commission on State Mandates, the State Lands Commission, the Pooled Money Investment Board, and assorted bond finance committees.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Resources, Timber Harvest Fees

Such a fee could be collected using the existing timber tax collection system in which timber owners are required to report each quarter the value of timber harvested to the State Board Of Equalization (BOE) for payment of timber yield taxes, based on the value of the harvested timber.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Department of Parks and Recreation

At the local level, the County of Los Angeles has contracted extensi vely with the private sector to provide basic maintenance activities. The City of Sacramento uses contracts to provide some of the landscaping and maintenance activities at its new parks.

[PDF] LAO 2005-06 Budget Analysis: Judiciary and Criminal Justice

The Trial Court Funding program provides state funds (above a fixed county share) for support of the trial courts. Chapter 850, Statutes of 1997 (AB 233, Escutia and Pringle), shifted fiscal responsibility for the trial courts from the counties to the state.

Student eye examinations

Proposal If enacted by the voters, this measure would require local education agencies (LEAs)--that is, county offices of education and school districts--to exclude students who lack certif ication of having undergone an eye examination from enrolling in public schools.

[PDF] Voter Registration and Election Reform Act of 2002

Under the proposed initiative, California citizens who wish to vote would be required to register in the presence of a county election official at least 60 days before an election. In order to register, they would need to present a social security card and proof of citizenship.

[PDF] Fairness for Injured Workers Act

Second, there would likely be a reduction in the mid-to-high tens of millions of dollars in income taxes. This effect will depend on such factors as the extent to which businesses subject to either higher premiums or increased claims costs would otherwise owe income taxes, and the degree to which these higher costs would be deductible expenses for California income tax purposes.

[PDF] After School Education and Safety Program Act of 2002, Amendment No. 1-NS

Under the provisions commonly known as Proposition 98, the State Constitution requires appropriation of a minimum annual amount for public K-12 schools and community colleges (K-14 education) from the General Fund and local property tax revenues.

[PDF] Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option 2

For instance, property tax allocation changes made in the early 1990s shift more than $4 billion dollars annually from local governments to schools. The realignment program enacted in 1991 shifts more than $3 billion annually in former state program costs to counties, while providing an equivalent amount of new revenues.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Tax Relief Act

2003 Initiative Analysis: Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Tax Relief Act March 3, 2003 Dear Attorney General Lockyer: Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have reviewed the proposed initiative regarding fines for eligible voters who do not register or vote (file number SA2003RF0001).