Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Executive

Savings in each line item of operating expenses are indicated if the proposed line items in this object of expenditure for the budget year are reasonably correct. 'The commission will pass out of existence in accordance with the provisions of the enabling act at the end of fiscal year 1962-63 (June 30,1963) .

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: General Administration

As a result of the conversion, which is anticipated to take place in November of 1962, 23 positions in the accounting division are being abolished during the budget year. Lines 27 through 62, budget page 25, indicate the positions to be eliminated.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

No additional personnel have been requested for the Program and Planning Office in the budget year; however, it is recommended that the department specifically justify these proposed positions and that they not be established during the interim withot~t Legislative approval.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Highway Patrol

By legislative action, transfer the school bus inspection function to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Some savings would result but would require additional training for the Department of Motor Vehicles personnel.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Fire Marshal

These positions were filled as needed, thus a full year's salary is not reflected in the 1961-62 esti- mate. One position was deleted due to the necessity to reduce Dry Cleaning inspection to a minimum standard . .A new accounting tech- nician position is proposed to handle the increasingly complicated fiscal responsibilities.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Industrial

Salaries and Wages Vacant Positions The following positions are those which, as of December 1, 1961, had been continuously vacant since July 1, 1961, according to information supplied by the department: 2 Referee (budget page 362, line 21) _______________________ $25,152 1 Permanent disability rating specialist I (budget page 362, line 23) __________ ~ _____ ~-----------------------~--- 6,360 2

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Department of Justice

While the number of authorized positions in this office is only one-tenth of a position greater in the current year than it was in the 1960-61 base year and no new positions are proposed for fiscal year 1962-1963, operating expenses in the current year are estimated at $44,445 an increase of $26,254 or 144.3 percent.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Motor Vehicles

This is an increase of 384,000 over the current fiscal year. 3. Savings of the electronic data processing system selected are esti- mated in the millions over a 10-year period. Are these savings realistic and have all elements of cost been included?

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Health

San Joaquin-1 3; 'Mobile StationiJ--'-2 Variously located in nonmetropolitan areas for periods of up to one year. The proposed n~twork of 16 air monitoring stations would be located as follows: . 1; In air pollution control districts a.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Alcoholic Beverage Control

Examination (budget page 601, line 25) ____________________ ~- $500 This is a new item of expense not previously budgeted by the agency although it appears in the current revised budget as if it had been requested and approved last year.