Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Income taxes reportedly over $2 billion below administration's estimate for April

May 1, 2012 - Income taxes reportedly over $2 billion below administration's estimate for April Income taxes reportedly over $2 billion below administration's estimate for April Program: This is an update on 2011-12 year-to-date state personal income tax and corporation tax collections.

Amid Good Fiscal Times, Planning for the Future Is Crucial [Publication Details]

May 21, 2019 - Later, when the economy and tax receipts weaken, the state can draw upon its accumulated savings to fund a spending level above what revenues would otherwise support. Exercising spending restraint during good times promotes fiscal sustainability and dampens the need for austerity in subsequent recessions, thus, facilitating policy stability.

Financial Aid Award Amounts [EdBudget]

Jan 16, 2020 - Students who receive the Cal Grant B Access Award also receive a supplemental award funded by the College Access Tax Credit. The proposed size of the supplement is $24 in 2020-21. We estimate the UC Grant nontuition award based on the average undergraduate cost of attendance, less systemwide tuition and fees and a self-help expectation.


Item 1730-001-0001—Franchise Tax Board 1. Franchise Tax Board (FTB) Protest Cases. The Franchise Tax Board shall, by December 10, 2001, and annually through 2006, provide to the chairs of the budget committees of both houses and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, a report evaluating the current tax assessment protest process including time frames for each phase of the process.

Background information on LAO's May 2012 economic and revenue forecasts

May 18, 2012 - One key assumption is that Congress and the President will agree, in effect, to extend the “Bush tax cuts,” payroll tax cuts, and certain current-law deadlines related to budget sequestration cuts for federal domestic and defense programs.

LAO commentary on Facebook IPO and state revenue forecasts

May 15, 2012 - We believe our forecasts are consistent with the small expected statewide increase in these tax bases. In addition, the Facebook IPO apparently will generate significant tax deductions for the company, which will effectively reduce federal tax revenues and tax revenues in various states below what they otherwise would be.

Overview of the 2007-08 May Revision

Year-to-year timing differences between the collection of revenues by counties and the receipt of revenues by schools could also explain the 2005-06 shortfall. It is possible, for instance, that additional receipts may flow to the schools during the 2006-07 fiscal year, which may counterbalance the low growth in 2005-06.

Preliminary April personal income tax collections of $13.02 billion (all funds)

Apr 30, 2013 - Preliminary April personal income tax collections of $13.02 billion (all funds) Preliminary April personal income tax collections of $13.02 billion (all funds) Program: This page provided updates during April 2013 concerning California personal income tax collections.

The 2022-23 Budget: Analysis of the Care Economy Workforce Development Package

Mar 10, 2022 - Historically, a small statewide payroll tax provided funding for ETP grants but, in recent years, the state has supplemented this longstanding funding source with General Fund monies for targeted training grants.

Hard Decisions Before the Legislature: Toll Bridge Seismic Retrofit

The Legislature could structure this funding to ensure that individual counties' projects are not affected, by specifying that the additional funding is to come from Caltrans' interregional highway expansion program or Caltrans' support budget.