Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2003 Initiative Analysis: California Financial Privacy Act

This could affect the operations of these businesses and their profitability, potentially res ulting in some reduction in the tax revenues paid to state and local governments. Summary. This measure would result in state and local government enforcement costs potentially over $1 million annually, partially offset by increased civil penalty revenues.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Parental Approval of Specified Sexual Instruction.

For tax year 2002, the standard deduction is $6,008 for married-filing-joint taxpayers and $3,004 for single taxpayers. For taxpayers who instead choose to itemize thei r deductions (because this would result in additional tax savings), various specific deductions may be claimed to reduce the amount of tax that the taxpayer owes.

2003 Initiative Analysis: The Sexual Predator Punishment and Megan’s Law Expansion Act

A credit would be allowed for any tax paid to a local government, up to the amount of tax paid to the local government during 2001-02. The measure exempts activities that are licensed by the CHRB from this new tax.

2003 Initiative Analysis: California Clean Money/Clean Elections Act of 2004

Fiscal Effect New Tax Revenues. Under the measure, the state would impose a new oil severance tax for six calendar years beginning in 2005. The state will have roughly 36  million residents in that first year.

[PDF] "The Save Our State Amendment"

Program savings to the state and local governments (primarily counties) due to reduced expenditures for certain public services. These savings could be over $100 million annually. Sincerely, _____________________________ Elizabeth G.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Double Fines for Traffic Violations in School Zones

Major Provisions Under current law, Alameda County, Santa Barbara County, and Ventura County, and any city within those counties, may adopt an ordinance to increase the fines for various moving vio lation misdemeanors and infractions that are committed within specially posted school zones.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Improving Classroom Education Act

The state would incur additional costs associated with: (1) assessing state properties, (2) providing technical assistance to local governments, (3) collecting property tax revenu es from counties, and (4) allocating funds to school districts.

2001 Initiative Analysis: Fair Representation Initiative

While it is difficult to estimate t he additional costs for counties to adapt their systems to this new requirement, these one-time costs could total in the low tens of millions of dollars statewide.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Family Communication Act

To the extent that minors used the judicial bypass process, the courts would incur additiona l workload and administrative costs, and counties would probably incur costs to provide court-appointed counsel to minors.

[PDF] California Privacy Protection Act (version 2), Amendment No. 1-S

This would potentially result in some reduction in the tax revenues paid to state and local governments. The magnitude of any such reduction is unknown. Fiscal Summary. This measure could have the following major fiscal impacts: • Additional state and local government court and enforcement costs.