Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

General Administration is budgeted at $5,616,032 for fiscal year 1962-63, which is an increase of $245,017 over the current year and an increase of $1,382,316 over last year. The budget for next year shows an increase of $334,208 for fiscal year 1961-62 over the already large increase of $1,337,158 requested for the same year in last year's budget.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Employment

It is our understanding that the use of the State School Land Fund for this purpose is based on the repayment to the fund over a 20 year period, with interest, from the imposition of fees on the use of the parking area.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Bonds

Under the Act the maximum term for the bonds is 50 years and it permits interest payments only to be made up to the tenth anni- versary after issue. In contrast, current bond sales of major series are for 25-and 26-year terms and redemption charges begin applying within a few months after sale.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Legislative

It is understood this location is of a temporary nature due to the remodeling of the Law School. It is be-, lieved reasonable to anticipate that the current rental fee of $125 per month (~OO square feet at 25 cents per square foot) nQW paid the university will be increased should the commission be returned to its former 10Gation in the remodeled Law School Building. .' .

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Judicial

In the commission's initial year of 1961-1962, it spent the sum of $2,705 for in-state traveL It estimates its expenditures for this purpose in the current year at $4,500. It does not appear that there is any in- crease in staff, program or workload which would require a 33.3-percent increase in travel expenditures for the budget year.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Executive

Items 25-26 Governor Governor-Continued Legislature and the result of a full year's salary experience of the eight clerical positions added during the current year. Operating expenses are except for communications carried forward at the same level as estimated for the current year less the expense of the Governor's Commission on Automation which continuing cost ap- pears elsewhere· in this budget analysis.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

A net total of 38 new positions' is proposed for the budget year on the basis of increased workload. Among these positions are two rodent and weed control assistants, authorized last year by the Legislature for one year only because of insufficient workload data.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

If it were assumed that these 15,700 fe- males could be fed for 25 percent less than the males, who have an aver- age yearly food allotment of approximately $255, the annual savings would exceed $1 million.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Aging

CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON AGING ' ITEM 174 of the Budget .Bill Budget page 433 FOR SUPPORT OF THE ClTIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON AGING, FROM THE GENERAL FUND Amount requested ____ ' ________ '-_'-,,_'-__________ ~ __ , ___________ _,-:-'--- Estimated to be expended in 1962-63 fiscal year ______________ -' __ ~ __ _ Increase (3.6 percent) _______ ..: ______________ ~ _____ "_ ___ - ________ _

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Transportation

ANALYSIS The amO.unt O.f $69,638 requested fO.r the fiscal year 1963-64 is an increase of $20,565 or 42 percent O.ver the amO.unt. estimated to' be expended in the 1962-63 fiscal year. This is the first year the request for support of this agency is in the budget act as a supPO.rt item, FO.r fiscal years 1961-62 and 1962-63 pro.