Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2004 Initiative Analysis: Indian Gaming Fair-Share Revenue Act of 2004

The percentage of net inc ome paid would be equivalent to the corporate tax rate paid by a private business (currently 8.84  percent). These payments would be in lieu of any other fees, taxes, or levies that may be charged by the state, cities, or counties against the tribes on its authorized gaming act ivities.

[PDF] Tribal Fair Share Act of 2004

For instance, wages paid to nontribal employees of the gaming operations would be subject to the state’s income tax. In addition, associated development near Indian lands (such as hotels or restaurants) would be subject to state and local taxes.

[PDF] Local Government Property Tax Protection Act

Provisions Reallocating Local Revenues Under existing law, cities, counties, and K-14 school districts receive revenues from the property tax, but only cities and counties receive vehicle license fees (VLFs) and sales taxes.

[PDF] Humane Economic Liberty Program for California

The collective cost to the state and counties of this measure could thus amount to several billion dollars annually. Counties would experience some unknown partially offsetting savings to the extent that individuals who now receive health services through county indigent health care programs became eligible for assistance through state health care programs, such as Medi-Cal.

2004 Initiative Analysis: Redistricting Reform: Parents’ Right to Know and Child Protection

To the extent that minors used the judicial bypass process, the courts would incur additiona l workload and administrative costs, and counties would probably incur costs to provide court-appointed counsel to minors.

2004 Initiative Analysis: Redistricting Reform: Redistricting Reform: The Voter Empowerment Act

Because the measure requires the redistricting plans to be approved by voters, it would result in costs to the state and counties each time a plan was placed on the ballot. These c osts primarily would be related to preparing and mailing election-related materials.

2004 Initiative Analysis: Parents’ Right to Know and Child Protection

To the extent that minors used the judicial bypass process, the courts would incur additiona l workload and administrative costs, and counties would probably incur costs to provide court-appointed counsel to minors.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Parental Notification

Under these circumstances, there could also be a minor increase in child welfare and foster care costs for the state and counties. Summary Potential unknown net state costs of several million dollars annually for health and social services programs and court administration combined.

[PDF] The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative (version 3)

(The law affects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.

[PDF] Impose new standards for confining certain farm animals. (Amendment No. 1)

To the extent that these higher production costs cause some farmers to exit the business or otherwise reduce overall production and profitability, there could be reduced state and local tax revenues.