Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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2005 Initiative Analysis: The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006

Payments of about $350  million per year. Reduction in local property tax revenues of several million dollars annually, about one-half of which would be offset by state payments to schools to make up their revenue loss.

[PDF] As a result, schools have reported covering an

As a result, schools have reported covering an increasing share of their special education expenditures with local general purpose funding. State Has Provided Significant Special Education Base Augmentations in Recent Years.

Psilocybin legalization. [Ballot]

Jun 29, 2023 - The measure eliminates existing penalties under state law for people 21 years of age and over who engage in psilocybin-related activities including, possession, distribution, trans portation, and sale of psilocybin.

[PDF] Revenue Limit Overview

Compensation accounts for around 80 percent to 90 percent of school operating expenditures but only around 57 percent of the K-12 COLA rate. COLA rate may be higher than schools’ actual costs of infl ation in 2006-07, but was likely lower in prior years.

LAO Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget: Education, California State University (6610)

Whereas fellowship recipients must agree to teach four years in a low-performing school, APLE recipients must agree to teach four years in one of the following areas: a low-performing school, a low-income schoo l, a school with a high percentage of uncredentialed teachers, or a designated subject matter shortage area.

[PDF] Overview of the May Revision: Proposition 98_6.04.09

Overview of the May Revision: Proposition 98_6.04.09 Baseline/other $280 Make various technical adjustments K-12 Education Revenue limits -$1,424 Reflects new cut of 4 percent (total cut of 7 percent)a Categorical flex item -1,424 Reflects cut of 42 percent to each program in flex itemb K-3 Class Size Reduction (CSR) -442 Add to flex item, reduce proportional to other programs

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

Most of the patients live within 25 miles of Lafayette; however, some patients travel as far as 75 miles to receive treatment. Although the treatment center serves the Lafayette area, it is an administrative part of the Central Louisiana State Hospital, which is located in Pine- ville, 100 miles from Lafayette.

Federal Spending in California

Jan 18, 2017 - For example, the refundable portion of the EITC is estimated on a tax year basis (which runs from January 1st to December 31st) and defense contracts on a federal fiscal year basis (October 1st to September 30th) .

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Preliminary Statement

The problem before the Legislature, therefore, is one of holding the expenditure program within the limits of prospective revenues in the years ahead. In view of the certain growth in school expenditures based on present appor- tionment laws and on higher education program levels, it is prob- lematical whether this can be done much longer on the present rev- enue structure.

2001 Budget Analysis:Professional Development

Program Goal Can Be Achieved at Far Less Cost For the first year, we recommend the Legislature refine the scope of the Governor's proposal by providing $100 million for standards-based professional development for the approxim ately 50,000 teachers that currently teach in year-round schools.