Results for homelessness

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Realignment Revisited: An Evaluation of the 1991 Experiment in State-County Relations

The r ealignment plan also eliminated some categorical community-based mental health programs, including the Community Support System for Homeless Mentally Disabled Persons and the Self- Help for Homeless programs.

[PDF] California Spending Plan 2005-06 The Budget Act and Related Legislation

Also, some Proposition 63 funding was allocated for efforts to assist the homeless mentally ill. State Hospitals. The budget provides about $801 million from the Gen- eral Fund for state hospital operations (about $887 million all funds).

[PDF] The 2006-07 Budget Package

Changes include $90 million in federal TANF funds to counties for various projects designed to engage nonworking recipients in work-related activities, $9 million for community college work-study programs, $5 million for increases in homeless assistance payments, and a budget neutral fund shift in order to create a non-TANF program for families exempt from CalWORKs participation

[PDF] The 2007-08 Budget Package (Revised 7/24/07)

Rejects the administration’s proposal to eliminate the Integrated Services for Homeless Mentally Ill Adults Program established by Chapter 518, Statutes of 2000 (AB 2034, Steinberg), resulting in General Fund costs of almost $55 million in 2007-08.

[PDF] Major Features of the 2007 California Budget

Integrated Services for Homeless Men- tally Ill Program. The Governor vetoed almost $55 million General Fund for Integrated Services for Homeless Mentally Ill, effectively eliminating 15L e g i s L a t i v e a n a L y s t ’ s O f f i c e a n L a O R e p O R t all funding for the program.

[PDF] Disaster Assistance

Third, schools who participate in the National School Lunch Program can serve meals at no charge to students who have been rendered homeless. Schools also do not need to meet federal meal pattern requirements during the disaster period.

[PDF] Education of Foster Youth in California

LAO 11 Background— Post-Emancipation Outcomes Weak K-12 performance and high drop out rates result in poor post-secondary outcomes for foster youth, with high percentages unemployed, incarcerated, and/or homeless within four years of emancipation.

Making Government Make Sense: A More Rational Structure for State and Local Government

Finally, there are numerous linkages between the provision of housing for certain groups and the provision of social and public health services, such as in the case of the homeless mentally disabled.

[PDF] LAO 1993 Budget Analysis: Making Government Make Sense

Finally, there are numerous linkages between the provision of housing for certain groups and the provision of social and public health services, such as in the case of the homeless mentally disabled.

[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Analysis: Business & Labor Chapter

Over the last several years, the Legislature has expressed significant concerns regarding the mounting costs of the HCD to administer three recent housing bond measures: the Earthquake Safety and Housing Rehabilitation Bond Act of 1988 (Proposition 77) and the Housing and Homeless Bond Acts of 1988 and 1990 (Propositions 84 and 107).