Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Completing the Goals of the Trial Court Realignment

The purpose of the SAL is to provide a limit on annual state and local government spending from tax revenues. Every year, the SAL is adjusted to account for changes in the cost-of-living (the percent change in the state’s per-capita personal income) and population (the weighted average of growth in California’s civilian population and K-14 average daily attendance).

[PDF] 20_Community College Programs Funded by Proposition 98.indd

20_Community College Programs Funded by Proposition 98.indd Change From 2014-15 Amount Percent Apportionments General Fund $3,049 $3,114 $3,417 $303 10% Local property tax 2,182 2,263 2,613 350 15 Subtotals ($5,231) ($5,377) ($6,030) ($654) (12%) Categorical Programs and Other Appropriations Adult Education Block Grant $25a —a $500 $500 — Student Success and Support Program 99

[PDF] 9_Package of Special Education Actions.indd

. $30.0 Preschool slots Fund 2,500 additional part-day State Preschool slots, with priority given to students with disabilities. 12.1 Learning and behavioral supports Provide funding for one or two county offi ces of education to develop statewide resources, provide trainings, and allocate subgrants to improve how districts meet students’ learning and behavioral


13: Property Tax Allocation 14: Property Tax Allocation 15: (Untitled) 16: Summary of Local Fiscal Control 17: Second Crack: Not Conducive to Broad Economic Growth 18: Instead, Local Fiscal System Encourages Cities and Counties to 19: What Fiscal Incentive Do Cities Face?

[PDF] Golden Handshake Legislation in 1993

Financing period for benefits Not to exceed Not to exceed Not to exceed Mutually accept- Mutually ac- five years, com- four years. five years, com- able to employer ceptable to mencing July 1, mencing July 1, and PERS board. county board 1996. 1996.

A Primer on the Vehicle License Fee

Recognizing that VLF revenues represent an important source of general purpose revenues for cities and counties, both the Governor and AB 1776 propose to backfill local governments for any lost VLF revenues.

[PDF] California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 1999-00 to 2004-05

These “county carry-over funds” were counted as a funding source in the 1999-00 Budget Act. A review of actual expenditures for 1998-99, however, indi- cates that the county carry-over will be about $300 million greater than anticipated.

[PDF] Local Investment Reporting Mandate

Finally, Chapter 784 imposed the first statewide educational requirements for county investment officials. Persons seeking election or appointment as county treasur- ers or tax collectors must meet certain education requirements, and must complete 24 hours of continuing education in the areas of treasury management or public finance every two years.

[PDF] Fiscal Outlook C A L I F O R N I A ’ S LAO Projections 2003-04 Through 2008-09 November 2003 Elizabeth G. Hill Legislative Analyst

The budget package completely offsets those local sales tax losses (almost $2.4 billion in 2004-05) by redirecting to cities and counties a commensurate amount of property taxes from the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF).

[PDF] California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 2005-06 Through 1010-11

In exchange, cities and counties receive an equivalent amount of property tax revenues that previously went to schools, and schools receive additional General Fund revenues instead of local property tax revenues.