Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Legislative

In the budget year, the bureau is proposing a net increase on one position above its presently authorized staffing level of 130 positions. The new position,a,programmer II for the new data processing sys- tem, has a full-year salary cost of $10,356.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Judicial

To carry out its program, the Judicial Council employs a staff of 35.8 man-years in the Administrative Office of the Courts in addition to the director of that office. Budget Request (J!Jdicial Councn) The Judicial Council is proposing a total expenditure program of $1,083,201, which is $337,606 or 23.8 percent less than estimated expen- . ditures for the current year.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Resources

This decrease is primarily due to a change in the way revenues are proposed to be handled in the budget year. Total departmental expen- ditures including support, local assistance, and minor capital outlay will decrease 6 percent from $25,924,962 in the current year to $24,348,719 in the budget year.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Cal-Jobs

This would re- quire. an additional budget-year expenditure of $605,000. (b) Direct the planned closing of San Quentin be accomplished on or before December 31, 1972, for an estimated budget-year savings of $4,723,500. 2.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Corrections

In addition to the major institutions, the department will also operate 25 camps housing 1,700 inmates during the budget year. These camp inmates perform various forest conservation, fire prevention and suppression functions in coop- eration with the Division of Forestry.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

This is the second year in which no funds have been budgeted for this purpose. In fiscal year 1970-71, minor capital outlay was funded with a $700,000 appropriation. Thus, in a three-year period, the department has had available only $700,000 with which t9 conduct minor construction projects.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay

The cost for the second year is unknown. The third and final year for this program would be the initiation of management in key areas and continued acquisition as necessary. The cost in this year is also unknown.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

1973 Budget Analysis: Transmittal ANALYSIS OF THE BUDGET BILL of the STATE OF CALIFORNIA Fiscal Year July 1, 1973, to June 3D, 1974 Report of the Legislative Analyst to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE SENATORS (VACANT), Chairman RANDOlPH COLLIER ROBERT J.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Judicial

This increase was to be based on the rise in California per capita income for the four calendar years prior to the year in which the increase was granted. The first such adjustment was made on September, 1, 1968, and. totaled 22.289 percent.· In 1969, the quadrennial increase provision was changed to an annual adjustment based on the prior calen- dar year's increase in the California Consumer Price Index.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Executive

The proposal to provide such a system will cost in excess of $1,530,000 which will be shared 25 percent by the state and 75 percent by federal "law enforcement assistance administration" funds. This represents a one-time cost.