Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Proposition 76: Key Issues and Fiscal Effects

The  state collects several billions of dollars in taxes  that local governments use for local services and  programs. These taxes include a half-cent sales  tax and vehicle license fee for health and social  services programs, and fuel taxes for roads and  transportation programs.

[PDF] FAQs Related to: SANDAG, An Assessment of Its Role

Cities and the county face significant economic incentives to orient their land use policies to promote a narrow range of land uses, primarily retail. A GS A ND March 2006 The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) is a nonpartisan office which provides fiscal and policy information and advice to the Legislature.

[PDF] 1949 Budget Analysis: Executive

It was also reported at that' time that 48 counties and 193 cities were now participating in the Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Plan. A comparison of the foregoing state of progress with that reported on April 27, 1948, the date of the last meeting of the Disaster Council, shows that DIsaster Council organizations have been established in 71 cities and 44 counties,

[PDF] 1949 Budget Analysis: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

Two divisions of the Board of Equalization, namely the Motor Trans- portation License Tax Division and the Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Division are supported from speCial funds and pay the Department of Justice fo; services furnished.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

ANALYSIS In view of the increases in the numbers of awards and in the amount of liability and of payments in the last fiscal year the estimates of fund requirements for the current and budget years as set out in the 1957 -58 budget appear reasonable. vVe recommend approval or the budget as submitted. 849 Miscellaneous Items 276-277 REFUND OF LICENSES, TAXES AND OTHER FE,ES ITEM

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: Overview of the Inmate Population

About 65 percent of all inmates were committed to prison from Southern California, with about 38 percent from Los Angeles County alone. The San Francisco Bay Area is the source of about 15 percent of prison commitments and San Diego is the source of 8 percent (Figure 9).

[PDF] LAO 1996 Perspectives and Issues: STATE FISCAL PICTURE

The budget indicates that the maximum monthly grant for a family of three after both the previous reductions and this additional reduction would be $540 in the 17 high-rental-cost counties, and $514 in the other counties.

1996-97 Perspectives and Issues: A Perspective on County Fiscal Constraints

Taxing authority for county ver sions of such revenue generating measures as cigarette taxes, tippler's taxes, or local income taxes has not been granted under state law. And while legislation (Ch 466/90 [SB 2557 , Maddy]) now affords counties the ability to levy certain taxes

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Criminal Justice Departmental Issues 2

Most county probation departments can place juvenile offenders in local juvenile halls, usually for short stays, or in county ranches and camps, usually for stays of four to six months. County probation departments also use a variety of other pla cement options.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Capital Outlay Departmental 2 Issues

The budget includes $301,000 to develop preliminary plans and working drawings for utilities and site development related to the initial phase of a new off-campus center in Lemoor e (Kings County). The estimated future construction cost is $3.6 million.