Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Executive

The total budget request for. 1975-76, $266,169, reflects no change from the previous year. No detail is given on services to be provided during the budget year. Pending review by the' new administration, specifically budgeted positions have been deleted with the equivalent dollars and the current eight positions shown as temporary help,.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Tax Relief

The budget estimates that new homeowner exemptions will decline by 23 percent from 64,000 new claims in 1974-75 to 49,000 in 1975-76, This decline parallels the estimated 28 percent decline in single family home construction during the previous two calendar years.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Salaries and Benefits

Salaries of many local school district superintendents, for example, are substantially above the $35,000 annual salary received by the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction. The annual salary, for example, of the superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District is $54,250.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Unallocated

The Emergency Fund request of $1,500,000 is a token amount whichhas been substantially less than the actual deficiencies realized in every year since 1959-00. To meet the actual requirements a deficiency appropriation has been necessary toward the end of each fiscal year.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

In , another case the grower failed to prepare his land properly for the neces- sary treatment arid the treatment must wait another year., Weather and soil conditions beyond the grower's control may also prevent treatment ' until the next season.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Business

Accordingly, the Legislature enacted Chapter 1330, Statutes of 1974, (SB 2140) to provide for continued operation of the existing annual regis- tration system during the 1975 registration year and implementation of . the year-round system in advance of the 197.6 registration year.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Health and Welfare

State law requires that employers be taxed on a low tax rate whenever . the balance in the Unemployment Fund at the end of the calendar year equals or exceeds a ratio of 4.75 percent of taxable wages.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Index

Postgraduate Medical School. 715 E Early Childhood Education, 609 Economic Development, Commission for, 101 Economic Opportunity, Office of (Employment Development), 524 Education: Apportionments, State School Fund, 650 Assistance to Public Libraries (Local Assistance), 661 Bilingual Programs, 633 Capital Outlay, 853 Child Development/Preschool, 603 Compensatory

[PDF] Because the pattern of fiscal year corporation

Because the pattern of fiscal year corporation tax receipts causes fluctuations which are significantly greater than corresponding changes in calendar year profits, the 23.3 percent growth in 197fr..77 revenues exceeds the 13.2 percent projected annual growth in profits in 1976.

[PDF] Chapter 655 appropriated $20,000 for the last half of the

Chapter 655 appropriated $20,000 for the last half of the current fiscal year. The Governor's Budget proposes the expenditure of $40,000 for administrative expenses for the 1976-77 fiscal year. The Legisla- tors' Retirement System is administered by the Board of Public Em- ployees' Retirement System (PERS).