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[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Legislative Branch

The Supreme Court is empowered under the California Constitution to transfer cases to the Courts of Appeal for hearing and determination. In this manner the Supreme Court is better able to manage its work- load.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

For the budget year, the department estimates a gain in General Fund revenues of $716 million over 1974-75, including a $77 million transfer in state land oil revenues. The department's estimates of revenues for the current and budget years are generally consistent with its· underlying economic assumptions.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Perspectives on State Expenditures

This reflects the Governor ’s proposal to suspend the 2008 –09 BSA transfer on a one –time basis —which eliminates the supplementary deficit –financing bond repayment in the budget year. The resumption of supplementary repayments in 2009 –10 results in total General Fund budgetary borrowing debt –service costs of $4.2 billion, rising to a peak of $4.4 billion in 2010 –11.

LAO 2010-11 Budget: Health and Social Services Budget Primer

Participants in the Food Stamp program receive monthly benefits on electronic benefit transfer cards, similar to debit cards, which can be used at participating stores. The maximum food stamp allotment depends on household size.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Medi-Cal (4260)

It is not unusual for a portion of a department’s authorized positions to be vacant during the course of a fiscal year, as staff members leave state service, transfer to other departments, or retire.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Judicial and Criminal Justice: Federal Receiver's Prison Health Care Construction Program

This past fall, the Plata federal court ordered the state to determine a method for transferring to the Receiver $250 million that was already appropriated from the General Fund. These funds are from the original $300 million that had been appropriated in AB 900 for a different purpose than proposed by the Receiver —specifically, for infrastructure improvements on the grounds of existing state prisons.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: General Government: Financial Information System For California (FI$Cal)

The RFP could be shelved and project staff transferred to other projects. Any products the project has completed thus far, including the RFP, system requirements, and a schedule of accounts, could be used as groundwork to reestablish a FI$Cal system in the future.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Health: DHCS—The Broker Model for Medicaid Nonemergency Medical Transportation

This benefit is known as NEMT, and includes such services as trips to and from scheduled medical appointments, return trips from hospital emergency rooms, and transfers between hospitals. Our review indicates that Medi –Cal potentially could improve the availability and quality of its NEMT services while reducing costs by contracting with a transportation broker to manage a portion of its NEMT services.

2014 Cal Facts

Debt–Service Ratio Expected to Remain Under 6 Percent Percent of General Fund Revenues Spent on Debt Service The state ’s debt –service ratio —the percent of the state ’s General Fund revenues and transfers spent to pay interest and principal on its bonds —is one indicator of the state ’s debt burden.

Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2012-13 Budget

(We are still in the process of evaluating various May Revision proposals, such as newly proposed loans and transfers to the General Fund.) Comparisons with prior forecasts are complicated, given the changes since January in the Governor ’s proposed tax measure and the recent inclusion of revenues related to Friday ’s planned initial public offering (IPO) of stock by Facebook, Inc.