Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2001 Initiative Analysis: Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 1)

Specifically, the state would be required to provide reimbursement to scho ols, cities, counties, and special districts if the Legislature enacted a law or any state agency passed a regulation that:   R educed the amount of resources a local government received from local revenues (taxes, assessments, or fees).

[PDF] People’s Gaming Act

After 28 years, the Legislature could either allow these 13 sites to continue the gambling activities or extend Las Vegas- and Atlantic City-type gambling to all cities, counties, and Indian reservations in California or eliminate the authority to conduct this type of gambling in California.

2001 Initiative Analysis: The Three Strikes Act of 2002

County Jails and Probation . Some offenders released from prison because of this measure will be subsequently prosecuted and convicted for new crimes. Before their criminal cases are resolved in the courts, these offenders will likely spend time in county jails.

[PDF] Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 1)

For example, over the last two decades the state has shifted the allocation of property taxes and vehicle license fees among local governments, reduced taxation on certain sales transactions Hon. Bill Lockyer 3 January 3, 2002 and vehicle ownership, and transferred part of the financial obligation for trial courts and welfare programs from counties to the state.

[PDF] California Workers’ Livable Wage Initiative, Amendment No. 1-NS

Counties would face additional costs of about $90 million in 2002-03 and $225 million in 2003-04. • Medi-Cal Nursing Facility Rates. The state would incur added annual costs in the low tens of millions of dollars to reimburse nursing facilities under the Medi-Cal program. • Child Care Programs.

[PDF] Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Relief Act: Version 1

Since the average statewide property tax rate is 1.067 percent of assessed value, the exemption reduces the typical homeowner's taxes by about $75 annually. Over 5 million homeowners currently claim the exemption.

2002 Initiative Analysis: Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Relief Act: Version 2

Since the average statewide property tax rate is 1.067  percent of assessed value, the exemption reduces the typical homeowner's taxes by about $75 annually. Over 5  million homeowners currently claim the exemption.

2002 Initiative Analysis: Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Tax Relief Act

2002 Initiative Analysis: Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Tax Relief Act August 13, 2002 Dear Attorney General Lockyer: Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have reviewed the proposed initiative cited as the “California Clemency Board” (File No.

2002 Initiative Analysis: Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Tax Relief Act

This would likely reduce the level of state bank and corporation tax revenues. Based on the CPUC’s estimates of losses incurred by PG &E and SCE during the rate freeze period, these state tax revenue reductions could total up to hundreds of millions of dollars, likely spread over several years.

[PDF] Voting requirements for increasing state revenues through taxes or fees

Provisions of the Initiative The measure amends the Constitution in the following manner: Voting Requirements for Tax Increases. The measure affirms that any change in taxes enacted for the purpose of increasing revenues from an existing tax or a newly established tax requires a vote of two-thirds of the Legislature.