Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] State Reimbursement of Mandated Costs: A Review of Statues Funded in 1986

In January 1985, the matter was transferred to the Commission on State Mandates (COSM), the successor to the BOC for the determination of local government claims for reimbursement of state- mandated costs.

[PDF] Summary of Recommended Legislation

Under these agree- ments, a city or county provides engineering services with its staff or may hire a consultant to perform the work. Our review indicates that contracting indirectly through coopera- tive agreements (1) is limited by the expertise and staff available in local agencies and (2) is more costly because the overhead of local agencies is included in the contract costs.

[PDF] The California Teacher Trainee Program: A Review

These "units," however, are not "transferable" and do not necessarily count toward advancement on the salary schedule of other districts. Therefore, compared to individuals trained in traditional training programs, or the college option of the Teacher Trainee program, the future earning power of the teacher trainee may be less if the trainee transfers to another school district.

[PDF] The Feasibility of Replacing the Homeowners' Exemption With an Income Tax Credit

This is be- cause the exemption generally is retained by Chapter II: Evaluation the assessor in the preparation of each subse- quent tax roll, unless information is available to the assessor indicating that a change in ownership has occurred.

[PDF] Analysis of the 1988-89 Budget Bill: Summary of Recommendations

The department took over the park in July 1987 under a special operating permit from the county, and has begun negotiating with the county to transfer own- ership of the park to the state. However, the Legislature has not au- thorized the department to acquire Prairie City.

[PDF] Summary of Recommended Legislation

However, current law does not provide the commission with any authority to transfer the surplus funds to these common reserve funds. Therefore, we recommend legislation authorizing the commission to transfer its surplus funds as neces- sary for this purpose. .:.

[PDF] Major Financial Legislation Enacted in 1988

Chapter 944 increases the alloca- tion of property tax revenues to cities which receive no share or a low share of property taxes. These cities generally will re- ceive a minimum of 7 percent of the property tax revenues generated within their boundaries, to be phased in over a seven-year period.

[PDF] Penalty Assessments: A Review of Their Use as a Financing Mechanism

Instead, we recommend that penalty assessment reve- nues be transferred to the General Fund for Chapter II: Sources and Benefits legislative allocation to programs on the basis of an annual review of program needs during the budget process.

[PDF] Major Financial Legislation Enacted in 1989

Under the act, one-half of all Satellite Wagering Account license fee revenues in excess of $11 million are required to be transferred to the General Fund. The act also requires that one-half of Fair and Exposition Fund reve- nues in excess of $13 million be transferred to the General Fund.

[PDF] The Child Development Program: A Sunset Review

We find that cities, counties, and Resource and Referral (R&R) agencies often have useful information to indicate how program funds should be distributed within each county. Specifically, our review indicates that many cities, counties and R&Rs collect information on thedemand for all types ofsubsidized child care.