Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Budget Accountability Act

Similarly, the lower vote requirement would make it easier in some years to approve temporary tax increases related to the budget. In such cases, the measure would result in higher tax revenues (and state spending) than otherwise would have occurred.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Limitation on Cruel Confinement of Veal Calves and Pigs and Limitation on Inadequate Diet for Veal Calves

Specifically, the prohibition of such restricted confinement does not apply to county fairs or during medical proce dures or examinations. The measure also allows pigs to be housed in this manner during the seven-day period prior to the expected date of giving birth.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Citizens to End the Car Tax (version 1)

The VLF is an annual fee levied in-lieu of the local property tax, and based on the depreciated value of the vehicle as set forth in statute. The VLF is collected by the state and allocated to local governments—cities and counties—based on population.

2003 Initiative Analysis: The Mental Health Services Act

The Franchise Tax Board woul d be the lead state agency responsible for administration of the tax provisions in this initiative proposal. Under the terms of the initiative, each county would be directed to draft and submit for state review and approval a three-year plan for the delivery of mental health services with in their jurisdiction.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Family Communication and Parental Responsibility Act

To the extent that minors used the judicial bypass process, the courts would incur additiona l workload and administrative costs, and counties would probably incur costs to provide court-appointed counsel to minors.

2003 Initiative Analysis: The 911 Emergency and Trauma Care Act

Some of the cost of this uncompensated care is partly offset by various state and county government subsidies. For example, the current state budget allocates about $25  million in state tobacco product tax revenues received under a 1988 initiative known as Proposition  99, to help pay for uncompensated emergency care provided by hospitals and physicians, and an additional $6.8  million for community clinics.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act

Delay city and county receipt, in 2003-04, of about $1  billion of VLF replacement revenues.   Alter the allocation of property taxes and VLFs among some cities and counties.   Reduce the amount of sales and property taxes received by local governments by exempting certain transactions and properties from taxation, without providing offsetting revenues to local governments.

[PDF] Car Buyers’ Bill of Rights

Taxes Associated With Vehicles. Many state and local government taxes are affected by the sale of vehicles. For instance, the sales tax and vehicle license fee are collected on the sale price of the vehicle.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act

As part of the 2003 ‑04 budget package, the state enacted a measure that temporarily reduces the local Bradley-Burns sales tax rate by 0.5  percent, but offsets the associated city and county sales tax losses by redirecting to them a greater share of property taxes.

2003 Initiative Analysis: California Privacy Protection Act

This would potentially result in some reduction in the tax revenues paid to state and loc al governments. The magnitude of any such reduction is unknown. Fiscal Summary. This measure could have the following major fiscal impacts: Additional state and local government court and enforcement costs.