Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] The issues in this section fall into three categories: (1)

The issues in this section fall into three categories: (1) reviews of sp~cific programs or policy. issues (such as the state's health care "safety net," programs for the homeless, and the home-to-school transportation program); (2) issues requiring important budget year implementation decisions (for example, the Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) program and

[PDF] This is an increase of $14.9 million, or about

This is an increase of $14.9 million, or about 25 percent, over estimated current-year expenditures. • , . Much of the growth ($4.5 million) results from the creation of 11 new appellate judgeships in Ch 1211/87.

[PDF] Under current law, each contract runs for 10

Under current law, each contract runs for 10 years, and is automatically renewed each year unless either the landowner or local government files for "nonrenewal." The state does not provide compensation if a contract is "nonrenewed" or canceled.

[PDF] Specifically, if a county's ratio of costs for the four programs

Specifically, if a county's ratio of costs for the four programs to its GPR was higher in the 1986-87. fiscal year than it was in the 1981-82 base-year, the state will provide increased assistance to offset the difference.

[PDF] SLIAG funds to community colleges, "local

SLIAG funds to community colleges, "local school distriCts, and COrlun:unity-based organizations in accordance with an Adult Education Services Delivery Plan. The language requires the Department of Finance to approve the plan before allocating SLIAG funds to SDE.

[PDF] :go to 1981hs9, 821 Transportation, 877 Urban Impact Aid, 829

:go to 1981hs9, 821 Transportation, 877 Urban Impact Aid, 829 Vocational Education, 859 Year-Round School Incentives, 889 Education: Postsecondary, 949 California Community Colleges, 1069 Chancellor's Office, 1082 Categorical Aid Programs, 1078 Local Assistance: Apportionments, 1074, 1077 California State University, 1011 Academic Support, 1029 Enrollment, 1021

[PDF] We suggest that review of the plans, at a minimum, should

We suggest that review of the plans, at a minimum, should include steps to: • Verify the qualifications of management planners and asbestos inspectors retained by school districts to produce management plans; • Assure consistency of recommended abatement actions with asbestos conditions which are reported to exist in a school; • Assure that the more than

[PDF] This is the same amount estimated tobespept in the current

This is the same amount estimated tobespept in the current year for this purpose, and is based on the assumption that the number of claims processed in the budget year will be the same as in the current year.

[PDF] The budget estimates that the cost of the Renters' Tax Relief

The budget estimates that the cost of the Renters' Tax Relief Program will be $490 million in 1989-90, an increase of 1.9 percent over the estimated current-year cost of $481 million. The estimate of the current- year cost, most of which will be incurred when 1988 tax returns are processed, also reflects a growth of 1.9 percent over the actual cost of the program in 1987-88.

[PDF] The 1989-90 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

The 1989-90 Budget: Perspectives and Issues AVerage for other . forecastersC Actuals a Projections are as of approximately the end of the calendar year preoadlng the forecast year; actuals arEi as of , January following the end of the forecast year. . . b Data represent absolute values of percentage-polnt dlfferences.between projected and actual CaI"omla personal income growth.