Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] Based on information provided by the council, we know of no

Based on information provided by the council, we know of no reason to expect that the council would spend significantly more for services in· the budget year than it has in current or previous years.

[PDF] The Governor's Budget indicates that the amount proposed for DGS

The Governor's Budget indicates that the amount proposed for DGS ($1.5 million) would be used for a seismic survey of public school buildings and state-owned structures. The amount proposed for EMSA ($393,000) would be used for a medical mutual aid response system. . . . . .

[PDF] The OLA also administers programs which fund the placement of

The OLA also administers programs which fund the placement of portable classrooms, construction of child care facilities, abatement of asbestos in school facilities, and installation of air condition- ing in year-round schools.

[PDF] In the current year, the CSU deleted this

In the current year, the CSU deleted this funding based on its policy that lottery funds not be used. to support ongoing programs indefinitely.) • Clinical Practitioners. The 1989-90 budgeted amount ($63,000) is used to support the activities of campus professors who work at selected public schools.

[PDF] In most of the last several years, the state

In most of the last several years, the state has not paid any interest on funds borrowed internally. In these years, $1 has been appropriated to maintain this item in the budget and to allow for a deficiency appropriation in the event that a change in conditions required extensive internal borrowing.

[PDF] ., Forestry, California Highway Patrol, Motor Vehicles)'

., Forestry, California Highway Patrol, Motor Vehicles)' Developmental Services, Deparbnent of, 587 Capital Outlay, 1258 Deparbnent Support, 592 Developmental Centers, 607 Regional Centers and Community Program Development, 594 Disaster Relief Fund, Uses of the, 55 Disaster Service Workers, Workers' Compensation Benefits for, 1110 Drinking Water, Office of, 536 Drug Programs (See: Deparbnent of

[PDF] The 1990-91 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Even in these cases, however, legislative action during 1990 is warranted, since the Legislature generally will have a wider range ofoptions for addressing these issues now than it will have in subsequent years.

[PDF] The 1990-91 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

In ad- dition, the budget proposes to defer $99 million in state costs for some existing state-mandated local programs from 1990-91 to fu- ture years. LowerReserveFunding (-$880 million). We estimate that an additional $330 million (above th.e,amount provided in the Gov- ernor's Budget) would be required to fund the state's reserve at the 3-percent-of-expenditures level used in recent years as the state's fUl1ding goaL .

[PDF] The 1990-91 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Expenditures from the General Fund have increased every year since 1983-84. Health Expenditures Current and Constant Dollars All State Funds 1981-82 through 1990-91 (dollars in billions)

[PDF] . < Governor's Budget indicates that these appropriation amounts

. < Governor's Budget indicates that these appropriation amounts will be adjusted in the Spring Revision of the Governor's Budget to reflect the expenditure limitation requirements of Proposition 140. d Chapter 1463 appropriated $50,000 to the Legislative Analyst's Office for a study of school district resource allocation.