Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Office of Emergency Services (0690)

This proposal would provide General Fund support to enhance existing local and regional teams and to establis h programs in counties where they do not already exist. Funding would be allocated to counties with 200 or more registered sex offenders (about 40 counties) based on each county’s proportionate share of the offending population.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Kinship Guardianship Assistance (5180)

We note that the cost to the state of reimbursing counties for these additional administrative costs would likely be more than offset by the benefit to the state General Fund from qualifying these cases for FFP.

Adoption Assistance Program Rate Increase

May 20, 2011 - Finally, the Legislature sho uld consider this issue in the context of the Governor ’s realignment proposal, which would shift primary responsibility of child welfare programs to the counties. Redirecting the funds to CWS would provide counties with greater flexib ility to serve local needs.

The 2015-16 Budget: Improving State Programs for Crime Victims

Currently, VCGCB has JP agreements with 20 counties to fund between 150 and 175 positions. These counties serve victims within their jurisdiction, as well as in neighboring counties. In total, 51 counties are served through the 20 JP agreements.

[PDF] LAO 2006-07 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services

Reject Freeze for County Administration of Health and Human Services Programs The Governor proposes to freeze future state participation in county administrative costs for health and social services programs at the 2005-06 level.

[PDF] precipitation

County of Origin Law. Guarantees counties the right to reclaim their water from an exporter if needed in an area of origin. Central Valley Act. Authorizes a major water project–the state Central Valley Project (CVP); ultimately the CVP was taken over by the federal government.

Proposition Analysis

A YES vote on this measure means: State law would not limit the kinds of rent control laws cities and counties could have. A NO vote on this measure means: State law would continue to limit the kinds of rent control laws cities and counties could have.

[PDF] Enhancing Federal Financial Participation for Consumers Served by the Department of Developmental Services

While DDS and RCs use the phrase “institutional deeming,” the county and Medi-Cal Eligibility Procedures Manual typically use “DDS waiver” or “DD waiver.” • Communication Between Counties and RCs. Although the referral form that RCs send to counties indicate that the county should send a notification back to the RC when the

Expanding Access to Safe and Affordable Drinking Water in California—A Status Update

Nov 10, 2020 - Water quality is generally regulated by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), although in 29 counties SWRCB has delegated authority to regulate smaller systems with between 15 and 200 connections to county environmental health departments.