Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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1999 Initiative Analysis: After School Education and Gang Prevention Act

Proposal This measure: Increases--beginning July 1, 2001--the sales tax by 0.1  percentage point and the use tax by 0.1  percentage point. Appropriates the funds from these tax increases for grants to public and nonprofit agencies for after-school enrichment programs and for gang risk-prevention programs.

[PDF] "After School Education and Gang Prevention Act"

PROPOSAL This measure: • Increases—beginning July 1, 2001—the sales tax by 0.1 percentage point and the use tax by 0.1 percentage point. • Appropriates the funds from these tax increases for grants to public and non- profit agencies for after-school enrichment programs and for gang risk-preven- tion programs.

[PDF] "The National Average School Funding Guarantee and Parental Right to Choose Quality Education Amendment"

County offices of edu- cation would also have additional oversight costs to verify the enrollment data of scholarship-redeeming private schools. We estimate that state and local administration expenses would total in the low tens of millions of dollars annually.

[PDF] Amended Three Strikes Initiative

Any such savings would be shared by the state and county governments on a statewide basis. Hon. Bill Lockyer 6 December 10, 1999 County Jails and Probation Short-Term Effect. Some offenders released to the community as a result of this measure will subsequently be prosecuted and convicted for new crimes.

[PDF] State Constitutional Officers

The measure could also result in additional costs to the state and counties to place a provision on the ballot for any future salary adjustments for state officials. These addi- tional costs are unknown, but would probably not be significant.

[PDF] California Clemency Board

Bill Lockyer 2 April 10, 2001 county clemency boards. Each county would have at least one board of five citizens randomly selected from the pool of registered voters. This board would be responsible for reviewing and taking action on clemency requests from prisoners whose committing offense occurred in that county.

2001 Initiative Analysis: People's Gaming Act

After 28 years, the Legislature could either allow these 13 sites to continue the gambling activities or extend Las Vegas- and Atlantic City-type gambling to all cities, counties, and In dian reservations in California or eliminate the authority to conduct this type of gambling in California.

2001 Initiative Analysis: People’s Gaming Act

After 28 years, the Legislature coul d either allow these 13 sites to continue the gambling activities or extend Las Vegas- and Atlantic City-type gambling to all cities, counties, and Indian reservations in Californi a or eliminate the authority to conduct this type of gambling in California.

2001 Initiative Analysis: Voter Registration and Election Reform Act of 2002

Background Under state law, California citizens who wish to vote must register with the county elections official at least 15 days before an election. Individuals must submit a completed regi stration card with an affidavit stating that they meet all the criteria to be an eligible voter.

2001 Initiative Analysis: Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 1)

Specifically, the state would be required to provide reimbursement to scho ols, cities, counties, and special districts if the Legislature enacted a law or any state agency passed a regulation that:   R educed the amount of resources a local government received from local revenues (taxes, assessments, or fees).