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Topics for these sessions have included how K-12 education is funded in California, tax subsidies for the film industry, and a discussion about state and local mandates. Analysts also attend a wide variety of conferences and educational seminars, and conduct site visits in support of their continuing professional development.

[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: Green School Bus Grants

Appropriations subject to the limit consist of total state tax revenues after subtracting excluded spending, including capital outlay, certain spending on emergencies, and certain subventions to local governments.

[PDF] An Overview of the 1990-91 Governor's Budget

These include a proposed reduction of $150 million in the AB 8 county health services program (which requires legislation) and a shift ofstate costs for property tax programs to local funding sources.

[PDF] The State's Budget Problem

For instance, a quick way to raise a significant amount of money would be to extend the temporary 1/4-eent sales tax (imposed for earthquake reliefand setto expireJanuary 1, 1991) for several months.

[PDF] An Overview of the 1991-92 Governor's Budget

Our estimates of revenues beyond the budget year reflect a return to more-normal rates of growth Figure 3 The DOF Economic Forecast - Brief Recession Followed by Upturn in economic activity and underlying tax liabilities.

[PDF] Sources and Uses of K12 Education Funding Growth 1982-83 through 1991-92

Analysis of the 1991-92 Tax Expenditure Budget: Overview and Detailed Compendium of Individual Tax Expenditure Programs (May 1991), Report No. 91-4. County Fiscal Distress: A Look at Butte County (December 1989).

[PDF] State Rail Program

These funds are mainly from state sales taxes on motor vehicle fuels and from state gas tax revenues. The passage of Propositions 108 and 116 provides a major infusion of state funds to expand the state rail capital outlay program.

[PDF] Uses of State Bond Proceeds

In 1986, however, the federal government passed strict new laws governing the use of tax-exempt bonds. These laws effectivelyprecluded the statefrom continuing this practice, and the state enacted Chapter 6 to bring state practices into compliance with the new regulations.

[PDF] Strategies for Addressing The State's Budgetary Imbalance

Example: Combine the State's Tax Agencies. The state maintains two separate agencies to administer and collect its primary taxes. The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) administers the personal income tax and the bank and corporation tax, and the Board ofEqualization (BOE) administers the sales tax, gasoline tax, and various other excise taxes.

[PDF] Reforming California's Mental Health System

Of the roughly $942 million in new revenues provided to counties under these proposals, about $770 million would result from the pro- posed increase in vehicle license fees and roughly $172 million would be from the proposed in- crease in the alcohol tax.