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The 2003-04 Budget: Perspectives and Issues [Publication Details]

Feb 19, 2003 - Perspectives on the state's fiscal condition and the budget proposed by the Governor for 2003-04.

Federal and State Welfare Reform Overview [Publication Details]

Mar 6, 2007 - Federal and State Welfare Reform Overview [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

1999 Initiative Analysis: California Voter's Bill of Rights

Also, the State Controller would incur unknown administrative costs for distributing the funds to campaigns. The measure also establishes a Voter Information Packet program by which the Secretary of State would mail packets of campaign advertising, prepared by state candidates and state ballot measures, eight times during an election year.

[PDF] 1950 Budget Analysis: Department of Education

This preferential ratio was also allowed on the basis that enrollments in these relatively new schools will be below that of the other state colleges with the exception of Hum- boldt State College. Humboldt State College was awarded a 17:1 ratio on the basis of its small enrollment.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Department of Water Resources

We estimate that the state could save between $115  million (50  percent state share of costs) and $230  million (30  percent state share of costs) by applying the new cost-sharing provisions to authorized projects where a state share of costs is currently owing.

[PDF] An Alternative Approach: Treating the Incompetent to Stand Trial

The state has used overtime by hospital staff and private contractors to help fill some of the Figure 2 Average IST Wait Time Varies Significantly 2009-10 State Hospitala Average Number of Days Until Transfer to State Hospital Atascadero 53 Napa 33 Patton 87 a Data unavailable for Metropolitan State Hospital.

Proposed Reserves in the Governor’s May Revision [Publication Details]

May 17, 2016 - In the May Revision, the Governor proposes ending 2016-17 with $8.5 billion in total state General Fund reserves. This total reserve level is down $1.7 billion from January, but still represents an increase of about $4 billion over the level assumed in the 2015-16 budget plan.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Index

Nelles School for Boys _~--------------------------------132, 797, 846 Free Textbooks (Education) _____________________________________________ 929 Fresno State College--------------------------------------------267, 802, 884 Fricot Ranch School for Boys _________________________________________ 130, 797 Funeral Directors and Embalmers, Board oL _______________________________

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Software Enterprise License Agreements

If the state combined its purchasing power, it could potentially acquire t he software at a lower price than each department buying it separately. Potential Risks With ELAs. State ELAs also pose a new level of risk for a state.

1999 Initiative Analysis: California Voter's Bill of Rights

Also, the State Controller would incur unknown administrative costs for distributing the funds to campaigns. The measure also establishes a Voter Information Packet program by which the Secretary of State would mail packets of campaign advertising, prepared by state candidates and state ballot measures, eight times during an election year.