Results for homelessness

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[PDF] The 2013-14 Budget: Conference Committee Overview

Includes two-year limit on application of maximum family grant rule, elimination of vehicle asset test, lifting once-per-lifetime limit on homeless assistance, and augmentation of administration’s proposed family stabilization services.

[PDF] Health and Human Services Overview

Senate Assembly Codify file clearance process (identity verification for certain HHS programs) No Yes Study time to count as CalWORKs welfare-to-work hours No Yes Status updates on Kern Regional Center contract issues (uncodified) No Yes Allow employees at licensed health facilities to talk privately with inspectors Yes No Long-Term Care Ombudsman budget bill language No Yes Budget bill language

[PDF] Conference Committee Overview

New Commitments $2.9 $4.0 Includes new spending and some tax credit expansions. 3L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E Major Legislative Augmentations Provided in 2018-19 Senate Assembly Homelessness $641 million ($0 ongoing) $1,268 million ($33 million ongoing) Increases funding for affordable housing, emergency aid block grants, and domestic violence shelters.

[PDF] Governor’s State Penalty Fund Proposal

Homeless Youth and Exploitation OES Provides services to homeless youth and youth involved in sexually exploitive activities. Services include food, shelter, and counseling. Child Sex Abuse Treatment OES Provides services to children who are victims of sexual abuse and appropriate family members to assist in the child’s recovery.

[PDF] Child Care and Preschool: Governor’s Policy Proposals

.  Allows School Districts to Run Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Programs on Same Site for Different Lengths of Time  Aligns the State Defi nition of Homelessness With the Federal Defi nition  Allows Providers to Accept Electronic Applications for State Preschool and Child Care Governor’s Policy Proposals 4L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E April

[PDF] Overview of Federal Funding for K-12 and Early Childhood Education

. „ McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act provides about $7 million annually for extra services to homeless youth. ; Other Grants Allocated Directly to Educational Service Providers or Schools „ Telecommunication providers annually receive hundreds of millions of dollars from the Federal Communications Commission to provide Internet services to schools. „

[PDF] Analysis of the 1988-89 Budget Bill: Summary of Recommendations

These additional corpsmembers would devote a substantial portion of their time to the rehabilitation of homeless shelters. The CCC's homeless proposal has several problems. First, under its existing program, without expanding,. the CCC has the ability to (a) recruit homeless young adults and single parents and (b) under- take homeless shelter rehabilitation projects.

[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: California Spending Plan

Use of County MHSA Funds to Support Statewide Homelessness Initiative. The spending plan reflects the No Place Like Home initiative, which was introduced by the Legislature and 2016 -17 B U D G E T Legislative Analyst’s Office 39 incorporated into the Governor’s budget to establish a $2 billion grant program primarily to support the construction and reconstruction of permanent housing for the state’s homeless population with mental health needs.