Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2003 Initiative Analysis: Parental Approval of Specified Sexual Instruction.

Provisions of the Initiative The measure amends the Constitution in the following manner: Voting Requirements for Tax Increases. The measure requires that any change in taxes enacted for the purpose of increasing revenues from an existing tax or a newly established tax be approved by a vote of two-thirds pl us one of the Legislature.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Parental Approval of Specified Sexual Instruction.

Provisions of the Initiative The measure amends the Constitution in the following manner with respect to taxes and fees: Voting Requirements for Tax Increases. The measure affirms that any change in taxes enacted for the purpose of increasing revenues from an existing tax or a newly established tax requires a vote of two-thirds of the Le gislature.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Budget Accountability Act

Similarly, the lower vote requirement would make it easier in some years to approve tax increases related to the budget. In such cases, the measure would result in higher tax revenues ( and state spending ) than otherwise would have occurred.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Corporate Tax Accountability Act

Background Information Current Tax Law . California levies taxes on the income of both individuals and businesses through the personal income tax and corporation tax (CT). State law includes special tax provisions for c ertain business-related activities that result in lower tax liabilities than would otherwise occur.

[PDF] "Limitation on Cruel Confinement of Veal Calves and Pigs and Limitation on Inadequate Diet for Veal Calves"

Specifically, the prohibition of such restricted confinement does not apply to county fairs or during medical procedures or examinations. The measure also allows pigs to be housed in this manner during the seven-day period prior to the expected date of giving birth.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Limitation on Cruel Confinement of Veal Calves and Pigs

Specifically, the measure does not apply to county fairs or during medical proced ures or examinations. The measure also allows pigs to be housed in this manner during the seven-day period prior to the expected date of giving birth.

[PDF] "Limitation on Cruel Confinement of Veal Calves and Pigs"

Specifically, the measure does not apply to county fairs or during medical procedures or examinations. The measure also allows pigs to be housed in this manner during the seven-day period prior to the expected date of giving birth.

2003 Initiative Analysis: The Motorist Protection Act

Moreover, by capping the fees and taxes assessed on commercial vehicles, the measure would result in an annual reduction in commercial vehicle license fee revenues of between $700 million and $800 million.

[PDF] Vehicle license fee, the fefinition of taxes, and certain other related matters

The VLF is an annual fee levied in-lieu of the local property tax, and based on the depreciated value of the vehicle as set forth in statute. The VLF is collected by the state and allocated to local governments—cities and counties—based on population.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Majority Rule, Minority Rights Initiative

Counties would be primarily responsible for i mplementing these new procedures. While it is difficult to estimate the additional costs for counties to adapt their voting systems to the new procedures, these one-time costs coul d total in the low tens of millions of dollars statewide.