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Overview of the Governor’s Special Session Proposals

Similarly, early action can send signals to cities, counties, and school districts on what to expect for the upcoming budget. The extra months of planning can help these governments mitigate the adverse effects of any reductions or program changes.

A New System of Support for Low-Performing Schools

As shown in the top half of Figure 3, students attending a PI school must be given the option to transfer to a higher performing school within the district. Schools entering their second year in PI also must make supplemental services available to low –income students who score below the proficient level on STAR assessments.

2009-10: Federal Economic Stimulus Package: Fiscal Effect on California

Included in this amount is up to $50 million that may be transferred for programs and activities under the California Bay –Delta Restoration Act. Additional funding is appropriated for canal inspections, development of rural water treatment facilities, water reclamation and reuse projects, and for other construction and maintenance projects.

California's Cash Flow Crisis: May 2009 Update

Strings attached to recent corporate bailouts —as well as federal loan guarantees provided to New York City during its fiscal crisis three decades ago —have included measures to remove financial and operational autonomy from executives.

2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Revenues

The budget also proposes to transfer these revenues to a new Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Treatment Fund. This new fund would pay for substance abuse programs that are currently supported by the General Fund.

LAO 2010-11 Budget: Health and Social Services Budget Primer

Participants in the Food Stamp program receive monthly benefits on electronic benefit transfer cards, similar to debit cards, which can be used at participating stores. The maximum food stamp allotment depends on household size.

The 2011-12 Budget: Making Targeted Reductions to the Judicial Branch

In view of this, we recommend that the Legislature transfer $100 million to offset the General Fund costs of the trial courts in 2011 –12 on a one time –basis. A separate $50 million could be transferred in 2012 –13.

The 2011–12 Budget: Prioritizing Course Enrollment at the Community Colleges

A 100–unit cap would permit students 40 units (over one academic year) beyond what is typically required to earn an associate’s degree or credits for transfer. This threshold would allow students to earn some credit for coursework that is not applicable for a degree or transfer (such as precollegiate basic skills instruction in English or mathematics), as

LAO 2012-13 Budget: Proposition 98 and K-12 Education

Any revenue in excess of what is required to pay off these debts is to be distributed to schools, community colleges, and other local governments (cities, counties, and special districts) pursuant to existing property tax allocation laws.

LAO 2012-13 Budget Analysis Series: Higher Education: Executive Summary

In particular, both state Cal Grants and federally administered programs such as Pell Grants require recipients to make satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward completion of an educational program (degree, certificate, or transfer) to retain financial aid.