Results for 서울시 tax

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May 1995 California Update

Another $4.5 billion (nearly 20 percent) of the savings come from reducing taxes on capital gains. Other major provisions reduce taxes on marrie d couples, social security and estates, and also provide certain corporate tax reductions.

1995 August California Update

State General Fund revenues were up $216 million in July, reflecting higher-than-expected receipts from the sales and use tax (up $188 million) and personal income taxes (up $61 m illion). The sales tax gain, however, is temporary.

Cal Facts 1996 -- California's Economy

Multi-family construction has been especially soft, partly due to economic factors and partly due to past tax law changes which reduced the investment return on multi-family housin g.

[PDF] 1996 Cal Facts: STATE SPENDING

The low rate of state spending growth for K-12 educa- tion reflects budget actions that increased school’s share of local property taxes in order to reduce state school funding required under Proposition 98.

State Tax Expenditures -- Over One-Third of

State Tax Expenditures -- Over One-Third of Direct Expenditures 1991-92 Tax expenditure programs (TEPs) are the various tax exclusions, exemptions, preferential tax rates, credits, and deferrals which reduce the amount of revenues collected from the st ate's "basic " tax structure.

Cal Facts 1996 -- Table of Contents

Cal Facts 1996 -- Table of Contents California Has One of the World's Largest Economies Employment In California Is Spread Among Many Industries California Recovering From Recession Service and Trade Industries Leading California Recovery Some Service and Trade Industries Are High Paying Top Six Markets For California Exports Aerospace Employment Is Lowest in Decades Housing Activity Continues to

State Information Technology:An Update

Franchise Tax Board Bank and Corporations Tax System. While board management believes its use of an alternative procurement method has been a valuable improvement over the state's traditional acquisition practice, the project is not yet fully operational and the net benefit of the alternative procurement method has yet to be determined.

[PDF] 50 years of service Policy Brief Reversing the Property Tax Shifts

Redevelopment Agencies $200 Agencies lost 15 percent of gross property taxes. Shift sunset in 1993-94. $65 Shift amounts allocated in proportion to agency prop- erty taxes, net of taxes passed through to other agen- cies.

Reforming the Prison Industry Authority

Privatize the PIA as an independent, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, free it of existing constraints so that it could become more entrepreneurial and create new forms of priv ate-sector partnerships.

Property Taxes: Why Some Local Governments Get More Than Others

Unlike the income and sales taxes, however, property taxes are used exclusively for local purposes. All property taxes are allocated to local governments within the county in which the tax is collected.