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[PDF] A Review of the State Bar Court

The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the staff of the State Bar Court, who responded to his many requests for information in a cooperative and timely manner. legislative Analyst's Office 3 Description of State Bar Discipline System In order to understand the sources of workload pressures on the State Bar Court, it is helpful to

[PDF] Proposition 27: Allows Online and Mobile Sports Wagering Outside Tribal Lands. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.

This means the state regulation of tribal gambling is limited to what is allowed by (1) federal law and (2) federally approved agreements between a tribe and state (known as tribal-state compacts). When a tribe wants to offer gambling on its lands, federal law requires that the state negotiate a compact with the tribe.

[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: Strategies to Maintain California’s Park System

Strategy 1: reducing Size of the State Park SyStem Given the historical and ongoing backlog of deferred maintenance in the state parks, it is possible that the state cannot afford to keep the state park system at its current size.

1999 Initiative Analysis: Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Initiative

The measure amends the State Constitution and state statutes to permit the state and local governmental entities to contract with private entities for architectural and engineering se rvices. Background Existing constitutional provisions, state law, and judicial decisions generally require that work done for the state be performed by state civil service employees.

2011 Initiative Analysis: California Taxpayer Protection Act of 2012

Filing a fraudulent affidavit would be a felony punishable by a term of five years in state prison or a fine of $25,000. Whenever an applicant stated that he or she was a qualified alien, state or local agencies would be required under this measure to verify this claim through SAVE or any equivalent program.

Overhauling the State's Infrastructure

State/local funding responsibilities not articulated. Significant state support for certain local infrastructure, but not considered in the context of statewide needs and the state's primary responsibility to provide adequate state-owned facilities.

Personal Responsibility Act of 1995

State's Share of Federal Funds Beginning in FFY 1996, based on state's share of FFY 1994 outlays. Potential Adjustments to State Share of Federal Funds Beginning in FFY 1997, state eligible for a share of an additional $100 million annually nationwide for states experiencing population increases.

2002 Initiative Analysis: Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option 1

Impact on the State. The constraints on the state’s ability to lower local resources would have a commensurate impact on the state. In response, the state would have two basic choices: (1) decrease spe nding on all other state programs (that is, non-local government subventions) and/or (2) raise state taxes.

[PDF] Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option 2

Impact on the State. The constraints on the state’s ability to lower local resources would have a commensurate impact on the state. In response, the state would have two basic choices: (1) decrease spending on all other state programs (that is, non-local government subventions) and/or (2) raise state taxes.

2002 Initiative Analysis: Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option 2

Impact on the State. The constraints on the state’s ability to lower local resources would have a commensurate impact on the state. In response, the state would have two basic choices: (1) decrease spe nding on all other state programs (that is, non-local government subventions) and/or (2) raise state taxes.