Results for irish state pension

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LAO Publications

As a result, the state has an interest in ensuring that such debt is collected in a cost-effective manner that maximizes the amount of revenue available to support these programs. Based on our review of the existing collections process for court-ordered debt, we believe that improvements can be made to help increase collections of such debt and the amount of revenue available for distribution to various state and local funds.

LAO Publications

The package continues to build reserves and pay down debts, including a new proposal to fund the teachers' pension system over about 30 years. Our May revenue forecast projects $2.5 billion higher revenues compared with that of the administration—not substantially different given the size of the state budget.

LAO Publications

Revenue volatility presents a key challenge for state budgeting and the state has a poor track record of setting aside reserves when t imes are good to help balance the budget during later economic downturns.

LAO Publications

The personal income tax is the state's main revenue source, the property tax is the major local tax, and the state and loc al governments both receive revenue from the sales and use tax. In addition, many smaller taxes raise revenue for state and local government operations.

LAO Publications

Given the serious shortcomings of the state's child care and development system, we recommend the Legislature fundamentally restructure it. Our report lays ou t a plan for a new, simplified, more rational system that treats similar families similarly.

LAO Publications

In n ominal terms, the state's corporation tax has tended to grow over time, but it is a volatile tax. Moreover, since the mid-1980s, various legislative actions have reduced revenues t his tax produces for the state General Fund.

LAO Publications

The increased costs reflect pay increases for most state workers, rising health and pension benefit costs, and a net increase in the number of state workers. In this report, we provide an overview o f the state workforce, current collective bargaining agreements, and state employee compensation costs in 2014-15.

LAO Publications

Format: February 11, 2014 - Presented to Senate and Assembly Human Services Committees Format: A Review of State Budgetary Practices for UC and CSU February 11, 2014 - Over the last six years, the state has moved away from its traditional budgetary approach for the University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU).

LAO Publications

We make a number of recommendations in the report, including (1) continuing the exemption for most re gionally accredited schools but conducting a limited review of business practices for a small number of these schools that are deemed higher risk, (2) reducing the scope of reviews for some nationally accredited schools that currently are subject to full state oversight, and (3)

LAO Publications

If adop ted, the MOU would modestly increase state costs in 2013-14. Depending on decisions made by the Department of Finance, a general salary increase for all Unit 18 employees could inc rease state costs beginning in 2014-15 and thereafter.