Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] LAO 1999 Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics

Part Two_17-38.p65 2/9/1999, 3:01 PM23 24 Part II: Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics Figure 3 Percent Change in California-Made Exports 1993 Through 1998 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total Falling Exports to Asia Hurting California's High-Tech Industries Year-Over-Year Percent Change in Computer and Electronic Manufacturing Jobs, by Quarter -4 Part

[PDF] LAO 1999 Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on State Revenues

These taxes can be levied in .25 cent or .50 cent increments, and cannot exceed 1.5 per- cent (except in San Francisco and San Mateo Counties). Combined State and Local Tax Rates. The combined state and local sales and use tax rate varies significantly across California.

1999-00 Perspectives and Issues: Perspective on State Expenditures

Conversely, about $1 billion of spending has been shifted from special fu nds to the General Fund, a result of the action taken by the Governor and Legislature in 1998 to reduce the VLF by 25 percent and offset the corresponding loss to local government.

[PDF] LAO 1999 Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on State Expenditures

These public safety allocations, in effect, offset some of the local revenue loss from shifts of property taxes to schools that were enacted in 1992-93 and 1993-94 to reduce the state’s school funding obligation.

1999-00 Perspectives and Issues: Major Expenditure Proposals

Proposition 98--K-12 Proposition 98 establishes a minimum funding level that the state must provide for public schools and community colleges each year. K-12 education receives about 90 percent of tota l Proposition 98 funds.

1999-00 Budget, Perspectives and Issues: Rethinking Property Tax Shift Relief

A New Perspective on Mitigating the Shift Over the years, local government advocates have called for shift mitigation roughly as follows: The state would calculate an aggregate amount that it owes local governments.

[PDF] LAO 1999 Perspectives and Issues: PROPOSITION 10: HOW DOES IT WORK?

Since that time, almost all of the states (including California) have agreed to a law suit settlement which requires the four major tobacco companies to make specified payments to the states over a 25-year period.

1999-00 Budget, Perspectives and Issues: Proposition 10

Since that time, almost all of the states (including California) have agreed to a law suit settlement which requires the four major tobacco companies to make specified payments to the states over a 25-year period.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Capital Outlay Departmental 1 Issues

The state would enter into an agreement with a developer, as above, but the developer would lease the building to the state for 25 years, after which the state would take ownershi p. Construction and permanent financing for the 25-year period of the lease would be by the developer at commercial rates.

[PDF] LAO 1999 Budget Analysis: Judiciary & Criminal Justice Chapter

Accordingly, we specifically recommend that repeat sex offenders sentenced under the One-Strike law to 25 years to life (who in many cases caused great bodily injury, used a firearm, or harmed multiple victims during their crime) be subject to lifetime parole instead of the five years provided under current law.