Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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LAO Publications

Format: Rethinking Community School Funding August 10, 1994 - Community schools are operated by County Offices of Education (COEs) as alternative instructional placements for about 18,500 pupils in grades 7-12 who, for various reasons, have n ot been successful in traditional school programs.

LAO Publications

Perhaps the most important policy proposal in the budget is the Governor's plan for restr ucturing the state/county fiscal relationship, which is intended to give counties a significant cost share in the health and welfare programs that they administer in order to provi de appropriate incentives to make those programs more efficient and effective.

LAO Publications

Format: Rethinking Community School Funding August 10, 1994 - Community schools are operated by County Offices of Education (COEs) as alternative instructional placements for about 18,500 pupils in grades 7-12 who, for various reasons, have n ot been successful in traditional school programs.

LAO Publications

Perhaps the most important policy proposal in the budget is the Governor's plan for restr ucturing the state/county fiscal relationship, which is intended to give counties a significant cost share in the health and welfare programs that they administer in order to provi de appropriate incentives to make those programs more efficient and effective.

2006 Initiative Analysis: Due Process for Residents With Land Use or Property Issues

This measure would have the following fiscal impact: ·                 Unknown, but probably not significant, increased costs to cities and counties.

[PDF] 1998 Cal Facts: California's Program Trends

Program Amount Low-cost counties $582 High cost-counties 611 SSI/SSP Individuals $676 Couples 1,201 a Family of three. Cal Facts Trends Final.p65 12/11/1998, 9:51 AM60 61 PROGRAM TRENDS n There were about 707,000 reports of child abuse/neglect in 1996.

[PDF] "Fair Vote 2K"

This initiative would also result in unknown, but probably minor, savings to county governments by repealing the mandate that they compile and submit speci- fied electoral data to the Legislature once each decade.

[PDF] Figure 9_K-12 Education Programs Funded by Proposition?98.indd

98.indd Change From 2015-16 Amount Percent LCFF–Districtsa $47,410 $52,032 $54,916 $2,884 6% LCFF–County Offi ces of Education $1,017 $1,019 $1,021 $2 —b Preschool Programs Targeted Play and Learning Block Grant — — $1,654 $1,654 N/A State Preschoolc $654 $835 — -835 -100% Transitional Kindergarten 604 686 — -686 -100 Preschool QRIS Grant 50 50 — -50 -100 Subtotals ($1,308)

[PDF] Counties with more wealth have more dots to the

Counties with more wealth have more dots to the right. Alameda Contra Costa

The "Three Strikes and You're Out" Law: An Update

Counties' Commitment Patterns Vary 3.9 4.0 Second- and third-strikers are being sent to prison in numbers that are not necessarily reflective of each county's general prison commitment patterns, as shown above.