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LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Criminal Justice Departmental Issues 2

Chapter  502, Statutes of 1998 (SB 2108, Vasconcellos) appropriated $27  million for the program, and Chapter  501 expressed the Legislature's intent to appropriate an additional $25  million for the program in the budget year.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Criminal Justice Departmental Issues 3

Additional Funding for DNA Lab Would Eliminate Backlog in Two Years The budget proposes $4.9  million from the General Fund for one-time equipment purchases and 25 additional two-year limited positions in order to eliminate the existing backlog of violent offenders whose D NA samples require profiling in two years.

[PDF] LAO 1999 Budget Analysis: Education Chapter

Through the CSMP, the university provides training each year to 67,000, or 25 percent, of California’s public school teachers. This training is led by accomplished teachers and college and university faculty (from both public and private schools) at around 100 sites throughout the state.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Education Crosscutting Issues

The READ programs total $444  million in new spending as follows: $388  million from the General Fund, as part of spending to satisfy the Proposition 98 guarantee for the budget year. $12.5  million from the General Fund (non-Proposition 98). $44  million from federal funds.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill General Government Departmental Issues 3

Thus, the size of the home loan portfolio declined by about 3,200 loans and $90  million during 1998 to end the calendar year with a portfolio of 34,653 loans. That amounts to an 8.5  percent drop in the number of Cal-Vet loans, and a 4.1  percent drop in the dollar amount of its mortgage pool, in one year.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Health and Social Services Crosscutting Issues

The 1998-99 Budget Act also increased General Fund costs by $40  million by reducing the amount of DSH funds retained by the state to offset General Fund Medi-Cal costs, and it provided $25  million from the General Fund for a Fresno regional burn and trauma center.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Health and Social Services Departmental 2 Issues

Service costs have inc reased significantly every year (see Figure 1), from $25  million above the baseline in 1995-96 to an estimated $189  million above the baseline in 1998-99. If budget-year expenditures increase by the same amount as current-year expenditures, the state will spend $248  million ($120  million from the

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Health and Social Services Departmental 3Issues

As a result, the decision was made to (1)  base the current-year estimate on last year's May revision estimate for the current year and (2)  assume no caseload growth in the budget year. The CWS caseload generally has been characterized by annual growth rates of roughly 4  percent since 1992-93.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Health and Social Services Crosscutting Issues

The budget proposal represents an increase of $74  million, or less than 1  percent, over estimated expenditures in the current year. Figure  1 (see next page) shows that General Fund expenditures (current dollars) for health and social services programs are projected to increase by $3.3  billion, or 25  percent, from 1992-93 through 1999-00.

2000 Budget Perspectives: State Revenues

Since 1994-95, total annual receipts have climbed from $42 bil lion to over $67 billion this year. This $25 billion increase has occurred despite significant tax relief enacted during the period. After adjusting for law changes, underlying rev enues have grown by more than 10 percent annually.