Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] "Improving Classroom Education Act"

The state would incur additional costs associated with: (1) assessing state properties, (2) providing technical assistance to local governments, (3) collecting property tax revenues from counties, and (4) allocating funds to school districts.

2003 Initiative Analysis: California Job Protection Act

Workers' compensation savings would improve business profitability, thereby increasi ng income tax revenues. Partially offsetting this gain would be a reduction in the gross premiums tax paid by insurance companies.

[PDF] "California Job Protection Act"

Workers' compensation savings would improve business profitability, thereby increasing income tax revenues. Partially offsetting this gain would be a reduction in the gross premiums tax paid by insurance companies.

2003 Initiative Analysis: The Gaming Revenue Act of 2004

The owners would also pay 2  percent of their net win to the city and 1  percent to the county in which the establishment is located. The measure specifies that these payments would be in lieu of any taxes or fees enacted after September 1, 2003.

[PDF] Fair Representation Initiative, Amendment No. 3-NS

While it is difficult to estimate the additional costs for counties to adapt their systems to this new requirement, these one-time costs could total in the low tens of millions of dollars statewide. By eliminating the need to hold both a primary and general election to fill vacancies, this requirement would result in reduced election costs.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act

Delay city and county receipt, in 2003 ‑04, of about $1  billion of VLF replacement revenues.   Alter the allocation of property taxes and VLFs among some cities and counties.   Reduce the amount of sales and property taxes received by local governments by exempting certain transactions and properties from taxation, without providing offsetting revenues to local governments.

[PDF] Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act

Delay city and county receipt, in 2003-04, of about $1 billion of VLF replacement revenues. Alter the allocation of property taxes and VLFs among some cities and counties. Reduce the amount of sales and property taxes received by local governments by exempting certain transactions and properties from taxation, without providing offsetting revenues to local governments.

[PDF] Family Communication Act, Amendment No. 1-S

To the extent that minors used the judicial bypass process, the courts would incur additional workload and administrative costs, and counties would probably incur costs to provide court-appointed counsel to minors.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Car Buyers’ Bill of Rights

Taxes Associated With Vehicles. Many state and local government taxes are affected by the sale of vehicles. For instance, the sales tax and vehicle license fee are collected on the sale price of the vehicle.

[PDF] Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act

As part of the 2003-04 budget package, the state enacted a measure that temporarily reduces the local Bradley-Burns sales tax rate by 0.5 percent, but offsets the associated city and county sales tax losses by redirecting to them a greater share of property taxes.