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2003 Initiative Analysis: The People’s Gaming Act

After that time, the Legi slature could either extend such gaming to all counties in California or eliminate it. The establishment of gaming would be at the discretion of the two cities. The measure establishes the People’s Gaming Act Commission, a three-member body appointed by the Governor.

[PDF] The People’s Gaming Act

After that time, the Legislature could either extend such gaming to all counties in California or eliminate it. The establishment of gaming would be at the discretion of the two cities. The measure establishes the People’s Gaming Act Commission, a three-member body appointed by the Governor.

2003 Initiative Analysis: California Privacy Protection Act

This would potentially result in some reduction in the tax reven ues paid to state and local governments. The magnitude of any such reduction is unknown. Fiscal Summary. This measure could have the following major fiscal impacts: Additional state and local government court and enforcement costs.

[PDF] California Privacy Protection Act (version 1), Amendment No. 1-S

This would potentially result in some reduction in the tax revenues paid to state and local governments. The magnitude of any such reduction is unknown. Hon. Bill Lockyer 4 February 6, 2004 Fiscal Summary.

2003 Initiative Analysis: California Privacy Protection Act

This would potentially result in some reduction in the tax revenues paid to state and loc al governments. The magnitude of any such reduction is unknown. Fiscal Summary. This measure could have the following major fiscal impacts: Additional state and local government court and enforcement costs.

2003 Initiative Analysis: California Privacy Protection Act

This would potentially result in some reduction in the tax reven ues paid to state and local governments. The magnitude of any such reduction is unknown. Fiscal Summary. This measure could have the following major fiscal impacts: Additional state and local government court and enforcement costs.

[PDF] California Privacy Protection Act (version 3), Amendment No. 1-S

This would potentially result in some reduction in the tax revenues paid to state and local governments. The magnitude of any such reduction is unknown. Fiscal Summary. This measure could have the following major fiscal impacts: • Additional state and local government court and enforcement costs.

[PDF] California Privacy Protection Act (version 4), Amendment No. 1-S

This would potentially result in some reduction in the tax revenues paid to state and local governments. The magnitude of any such reduction is unknown. Fiscal Summary. This measure could have the following major fiscal impacts: • Additional state and local government court and enforcement costs.

2003 Initiative Analysis: California Privacy Protection Act

This would potentially result in some reduction in the tax reven ues paid to state and local governments. The magnitude of any such reduction is unknown. Fiscal Summary. This measure could have the following major fiscal impacts: Additional state and local government court and enforcement costs.

2003 Initiative Analysis: California Privacy Protection Act

This would potentially result in some reduction in the tax revenues paid to state and loc al governments. The magnitude of any such reduction is unknown. Fiscal Summary. This measure could have the following major fiscal impacts: Additional state and local government court and enforcement costs.