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[PDF] No Public Resources Used to Deport California Residents

For example, county costs to provide safety net health services to low-income individuals who do not have private coverage and who are not eligible for state or federal programs could increase. State costs for Medi-Cal (California’s state-federal Medicaid Program) could also increase as a result of this measure.

[PDF] High-quality public schools (Version 1).

Fiscal Effects No Direct Fiscal Effect on the State or Schools. The measure would have no direct fiscal effect on the state or public schools. This is because the measure does not require the state or local governing boards to make any specific changes to current policies or programs.

[PDF] High-quality public education (Version 1).

Fiscal Effects No Direct Fiscal Effect on the State or Schools. The measure would have no direct fiscal effect on the state or public schools. This is because the measure does not require the state or local governing boards to make any specific changes to current policies or programs.

[PDF] High-quality public education (Version 3).

Fiscal Effects No Direct Fiscal Effect on the State or Schools. The measure would have no direct fiscal effect on the state or public schools. This is because the measure does not require the state or local governing boards to make any specific changes to current policies or programs.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Act

Background State Government. Based on court interpretation of the provisions in the State Constitution, services provided by state agencies generally must be performed by state civil service employees.

Traveling in California: Acronyms and Definitions

SHA (State Highway Account) —The major state transportation account for highway purposes. Revenues include the state excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel and truck weight fees. SHOPP (State Highway Operation and Protection Program) —A four-year capital improvement program for rehabilitation, safety, and operational improvements on state highways.

LAO Criminal Justice

Report California's Criminal Justice System: A Primer (2013) Format: HTML January 17, 2013 - In recent years, the state has passed various laws altering the state's criminal justice system. Most notably, in 2011, the state shifted--or "realigned"--responsibility to house and supervise tens of thousands of adult felons from the state to local governments.

2008 Initiative Analysis:The Ban on Destructive Human Embryo Research

State Laws Regarding Stem Cell Research. The State Constitution and current state statutes include various provisions governing stem cell research activities. Proposition  71, enacted by California voters in 2004, amended the State Constitution to establish a right to conduct stem cell research, as defined.

[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: State Payments on the Federal Unemployment Insurance Loan

Since state UI fraud was less widespread than fraud in the temporary federal programs, state UI fraud does not appear to have notably increased the amount of federal UI loans that the state and employers are to repay. a For states that have outstanding federal UI loans, federal law requires the federal UI tax rate paid by

[PDF] Ballot Analysis

State and local entities can consider sex when it is necessary as part of normal operations. For example, the state can consider the sex of an employee when staffing specific jobs at state prisons where it is necessary for staff and inmates be the same sex.