Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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2000 Budget Analysis: CJ Leg Oversight

However, many of these required reports are now overdue--in one case by almost three years. Figure 1 (see next page) lists the departments, overdue reports, and their due dates. The lack of information hinders the Legislature's ability to evaluate the departments' budget needs, assess their performance, hold the departments accountable for their performanc e, and develop new policy initiatives.

2000 Budget Analysis: CJ CDC 5240

As of the end of 1999, nearly 3,400 of the 5,900 offenders sentenced to prison under the "Three Strikes and You're Out" law with sentences of at least 25 years to life were parolees at the time of their most recent offense.

2000 Budget Analysis: CJ BPT 5440

We also recommend that they provide the following additional information to the Legislature: The number of indeterminately sentenced inmates whose grant of parole release was reviewed by the Governor during the 1999 calendar year.

2000 Budget Analysis: CJ Youth Auth 5460

Prior to July 22, 1996, these inmates could have remained in the Youth Authority until they reached the age of 25. Chapter 195, Sta tutes of 1996 (AB 3369, Bordonaro) restricts future M cases to only those CDC inmates who are under the age of 18 at the time of sentencing.

2000 Budget Analysis: CJ Inspector Gen 0552

This is about $4.2 million, or 69 percent, more than the current-year expenditures estimated in the Governor's spending plan. (As we will discuss later, we believe the current-year expenditures are overestimated.)

200 Budget Analysis: Teacher Quality, AP Courses, Governor's Scholars

In contrast, 4 percent of the teaching staff lacked credentials in schools where 25 percent or less of the student body received free or redu ced-price lunches. At many schools the percentage of teachers without credentials was significantly higher, in extreme cases exceeding 50 percent.

2000 Budget Analysis: CSU, CCC, SAC

In the 1998 -99 school year, 85,900 students were receiving some form of assistance through EOPS. The overall EOPS budget was $56.9 million in that year. Approximately $12.4 million, or nearly 22 percent, of the 1998-99 EOPS budget was allocated to help EOPS students purchase textbooks for classes.

2000 Budget Analysis: General Government Depts #3

Develop statewide policies and plans that recognize the interrelationships and impact of state activities on local governments, including local school sys tems, private companies that provide services to state agencies, and the federal government.

2000 Budget Analysis: General Govt Depts #4

The budget requests $3.3 million in the current year and $2.4 million in the budget year to develop and implement an Internet Web site which would provide information on school con struction. It is estimated that the project cost over six years will be $8 million.

2000 Budget Analysis: General Govt Depts #5

While HCD believes it can commit $25 million in loan funds over the next two and a half years, it is clear that the program has no need for this level of funding in the budget year. Over the past year in which fun ds have been available for lending, the level of applications has been extremely modest.