Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] California Privacy Protection Act (version 6), Amendment No. 1-S

This would potentially result in some reduction in the tax revenues paid to state and local governments. The magnitude of any such reduction is unknown. Fiscal Summary. This measure could have the following major fiscal impacts: • Additional state and local government court and enforcement costs.

[PDF] California Privacy Protection Act (version 7), Amendment No. 1-S

This would potentially result in some reduction in the tax revenues paid to state and local governments. The magnitude of any such reduction is unknown. Hon. Bill Lockyer 4 February 9, 2004 Fiscal Summary.

2003 Initiative Analysis: The California Jobs Protection Act

Workers' compensation savings would improve business profitability, thereby increasi ng income tax revenues. Partially offsetting this gain would be a reduction in the gross premiums tax paid by insurance companies.

[PDF] The California Jobs Protection Act

Workers' compensation savings would improve business profitability, thereby increasing income tax revenues. Partially offsetting this gain would be a reduction in the gross premiums tax paid by insurance companies.

[PDF] Workers' Compensation Reform and Accountability Act

Workers' compensation savings would improve business profitability, thereby increasing income tax revenues. Partially offsetting this Hon. Bill Lockyer 6 February 17, 2004 gain would be a reduction in the gross premiums tax paid by insurance companies.

2004 Initiative Analysis: California Budget Deficit Prevention Act

The Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies (cities, counties, special districts, and K-14 school and community college districts) for the cost of implementing a state mandated “new program” or “higher level of service,” unless the mandate pertains to a crime or infraction or other conditions apply.

[PDF] California Budget Deficit Prevention Act, Amendment No. 1-S

The Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies (cities, counties, special districts, and K-14 school and community college districts) for the cost of implementing a state mandated “new program” or “higher level of service,” unless the mandate pertains to a crime or infraction or other conditions apply.

[PDF] Indian Gaming Fair-Share Revenue Act of 2004, Amendment No. 1-NS

The percentage of net income paid would be equivalent to the corporate tax rate paid by a private business (currently 8.84 percent). These payments would be in lieu of any other fees, taxes, or levies that may be charged by the state, cities, or counties against the tribes on its authorized gaming activities.

[PDF] California Home Rule Amendment

Provisions Reallocating Local Revenues Under existing law, cities, counties, and K-14 school districts receive revenues from the property tax, but only cities and counties receive sales taxes and vehicle license fees (VLF).

2004 Initiative Analysis: Tribal Fair Share Act of 2004

As sovereign nations, tribes are not required to pay federal, state, or local taxes (such as income, property, or sales tax). In addition, tribes are exempt from state laws, including California environmental and workplace laws.