Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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2009 Initiative Analysis: Human Trafficking (Amendment #1-S)

If more offenders are convicted of human trafficking under the state statutes, there could be an increase in state and local revenues (including to cities and counties) due to the new criminal fines established in the measure.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Government Spending Limit Act of 2010 [V-1]

That measure amended the State Constitution to establish an appropriations limit (referred to below as the "spending limit " or the "limit ") for the state government, as well as a limit for each city, county, school district, and other local government entity.

Proposition 1A: Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act.

In addition, the Constitution requires local governments to receive approval from property owners or voters before imposing (1) property owner assessments or (2) fees as an incident of property ownership ( "property-related fees "), other than fees for water, sewer, and refuse collection services.

Proposition 1A: Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act.

In addition, the Constitution requires local governments to receive approval from property owners or voters before imposing (1) property owner assessments or (2) fees as an incident of property ownership ( "property-related fees "), other than fees for water, sewer, and refuse collection services.

2010 Initiative Analysis: California Public Divest From Israel Act

Subject to certain conditions, the measure prohibits CalPERS and CalSTRS from investing in companies that have "business operations in Israel. " ( "Business operations " include "maintaining, selling, or leasing equipment, facilities, personnel, or any other apparatus of business or commerce in Israel, including the ownership or possession of real or personal property located in

2010 Initiative Analysis: Voters FIRST Act for Congress 2021

Further, the commission is to consider the "geographic integrity of any city, county, city and county, neighborhood, or community of interest " in redrawing district boundaries. Major Provisions Proposed New Method for Congressional Redistricting.

2011 Initiative Analysis:The California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act

According to the measure, violation of the measure ’s provisions could be prosecuted by the Attorney General, local district attorneys, or city prosecutors. This measure also allows private individuals to sue for violations if no government entity takes action.

2011 Initiative Analysis:California Funding Restoration Act of 2012 (Amendment #1S)

This measure would prohibit its increased tax revenues from being transferred to or otherwise used by the General Fund. Accordingly, the state ’s General Fund budget still would need to be balanced in future years with actions such as further reductions in spending or other increased taxes.

2011 Initiative Analysis: The Medical Marijuana Regulation, Control, and Taxation Act (Amendment #1S)

Cities that currently impose a supplemental tax on the sale of medical marijuana of greater than 2.5  percent would see a reduction in tax revenues because of this measure ’s cap on such taxes. We estimate that there are currently less than ten cities and counties with such taxes.

2012 Initiative Analysis: Brain Syndrome and Severely Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption Initiative

County officials collect property tax revenues and allocate them to local governments: cities, counties, special districts, K-12 schools, and community colleges. Real property includes land, buildings, and other structures affixed to the land.