Results for 서울시 tax

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Health Coverage

Program integrity would be maintained by requiring documentation of income by pay stubs or tax returns as in the current Health Families Program, and by requiring Social Security Numbers to verify identity.

California's Fiscal Outlook 1999-00 to 2001-02 Part I

Our for ecast for 1999-00 is up by nearly $1.9 billion, due to both the improved economic outlook, and stronger-than-expected monthly receipts from key sources such as personal income tax withholding and sales tax payments.

California Spending Plan 1999-00 Chapter 1

In addition, April final payments on 1998 personal income tax returns substantially exceeded the January budget estimate, indicating that the trend in personal income tax liabiliti es was higher than anticipated in January.

California Spending Plan 1999-00 Chapter 3

Specifically, if a constitutional amendment to reform local government finance is approved by the state's voters by November 2000, AB 1661 (1) places a "cap" on ERAF grow th and (2) directs the state to pay the schools' proportionate share of local property tax administrative costs.


This report shall include, but is not limited to, a description of the boards efforts to recruit and retain tax auditor position classifications, tax technician classifications, business tax compliance specialists, and related revenue and collections position classifications at the board.


Since enacting the gas tax in 1923, California has relied primarily on pay-as-you-go financing for transpor- tation projects. When existing revenues are suffi- cient to meet transportation needs, pay-as-you-go financing is generally preferable to bond financing since it avoids the additional debt service cost.

march update

Generally, each dollar of addi tional property tax revenue received by school districts saves one dollar of state General Fund money. It is possible that even more property tax revenues for school districts may be identified by the May Revision.

[PDF] California's Tax Expenditure Programs: TABLE OF CONTENTS

This is because the value of the tax provision may vary depending on the taxpayer’s marginal tax rate. For ex- ample, for income deductions, adjust- ments, and exclusions, the value of the tax provision will increase along with the marginal tax rate.

[PDF] California's Tax Expenditure Programs: Income Taxes

Banks and other financial institutions are subject to an “add-on” tax that is levied in addition to the franchise tax. This tax is paid in lieu of personal property taxes and local business taxes. Under current law, the add-on portion of the bank tax rate is 2 percent.

California's Tax Expenditure Programs: Income Tax Programs--Part 1

California's Tax Expenditure Programs: Income Tax Programs--Part 1 Legislative Analyst's Office, February 1999 California's Tax Expenditure Programs Capital Gains on Inherited Property Program Characteristics Estimated Revenue Reduction Tax Type: Personal Income Tax (PIT).