Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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2012 Initiative Analysis: Patient Reasonable Access Act of 2012

It is unclear whether this provision would affect cities and counties, which enact most such prohibitions in California. If the courts determine that this provision applies to cities and counties, this could potentially result in an increase in the number of medical marijuana dispensaries established in California.

2012 Initiative Analysis: Government Employee Pension Reform Act

Currently, cities, counties, and special districts contribute over $4 billion per year to all public pension systems. Accordingly, local government cost savings of hundreds of millions of dollars (current dollars) per year seem possible a few decades from now.

2013 Initiative Analysis: Medi-Cal Funding and Accountability Act of 2014

Intergovernmental Transfers (IGTs). The IGTs are transfers of public funds between government entities, such as from counties to states. Charges on Health Care Providers. Certain charges levied on health care providers generate revenues which we describe later in more detail.

2013 Initiative Analysis: Car Buyers Protection Act  Version 4

The measure prohibits vehicle sellers from receiving any payment that varies based on the interest rate or finance charge for arranging, assigning, or transferring a car loan. Limits Changes to Sales Contracts After Purchase.

2013 Initiative Analysis:

These private home care organizations employ home care aides to provide services such as bathing, dressing, feeding, personal hygiene, transferring, ambulating, toileting, housekeeping, laundry, and transportation.

2013 Initiative Analysis: Fair Healthcare Pricing Act of 2014

These are 67 hospitals operated by counties, the University of California, health care districts, cities, or other political subdivisions of the state.   Private Hospitals. These are 393 hospitals owned and operated by nonprofit or for-profit entities.

2013 Initiative Analysis: California Road Repairs Act of 2014

The vehicle license fee (VLF), also called the motor vehicle in-lieu tax, is a tax on the ownership of a registered vehicle in place of taxing vehicles as personal property. The VLF is paid annually upon vehicle registration in addition to other fees, such as the vehicle registration fee, air quality fees, and commercial vehicle weight fees, all of which fund specific state programs.

2013 Initiative Analysis: The Stop Corporate Exploitation of Charter Schools Act - Version 2

The Political Reform Act requires board members and officers of local agencies to file annual statements of economic interest disclosing their sources of income, ownership of real property, investment interests, and other information.

2013 Initiative Analysis: The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act

The measure requires the Department of Finance (DOF) to calculate annual savings to the state from the enactment of the measure and the Controller to annually transfer that amount from the General Fund into a new special fund—the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Fund.

The 2010-11 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

Most notably, the Governor proposes three new flexibility options relating to teacher policies: (1) eliminating seniority rules that apply to layoffs, assignments/reassignments, transfers, and hires; (2) eliminating rules regarding priority for receiving substitute teaching assignments; and (3) extending the layoff notification window to 60 days after the state budget has been enacted.