Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] California Brain Research and Tobacco Tax Act of 2014

California Brain Research and Tobacco Tax Act of 2014 Existing State Excise Taxes. Current state law imposes excise taxes on the distribution of cigarettes and other tobacco products, such as cigars and chewing tobacco.

[PDF] K-12 School Facilities: Issues for Legislative Consideration

State Financial Hardship Program Might Not Be Helping Neediest Districts 4L e g i s L a t i v e a n a L y s t ’ s O f f i c e December 13, 2007 Problems: ; Charter schools cannot levy local taxes to meet local „ matching requirements Charter schools are unable to use eminent domain to acquire „ land, which makes finding potential sites, especially in urban areas, difficult.

"Congressional Term Limits Declaration Act of 1998"

County ele ctions officials are responsible for the preparation and content of ballots. In addition, counties are responsible for the costs of ballots for elections of state and federal offic eholders.

[PDF] Elections. Term Limit Declarations for Congressional Candidates, Amendment No. 1-S

County elections officials are responsible for the preparation and content of bal- lots. In addition, counties are responsible for the costs of ballots for elections of state and federal officeholders.

Gang Violence and Juvenile Crime Prevention Act of 1998

Under current law, juvenile offenders in counties are subject to a continuum of prevention, intervention, supervision, and detention services which are provided by county probation departments and other county and private agencies.

[PDF] Gang Violence and Juvenile Crime Prevention Act of 1998

Under current law, juvenile offenders in counties are subject to a continuum of prevention, intervention, supervi- sion, and detention services which are provided by county probation departments and other county and private agencies.

"Excellence and Accountability in Education Act of 1998"

The measure would affect sales tax revenues to the General Fund in offsetting ways. These revenues would increase because the sales tax is imposed on the total price of tobacco products, including the increased excise tax.

[PDF] Excellence and Accountability in Education Act of 1998

The measure would affect sales tax revenues to the General Fund in off- setting ways. These revenues would increase because the sales tax is imposed on the total price of tobacco products, including the increased excise tax.

"The Gaming Control Act of 1998"

For instance, it would increase economic activity and tax revenue in Riverside County if gambling a ttracted business from outside the area. The same would be true for counties which experienced increased card room or Indian gambling.

[PDF] The Gaming Control Act of 1998

For instance, it would increase economic activity and tax revenue in River- side County if gambling attracted business from outside the area. The same would be true for counties which experienced increased card room or Indian gambling.