Results for 서울시 tax

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Fiscal Oulook 2001, Chapter 1

Nor are they our recommendations of what tax and spending policies should be. Rather, they are intended to be a reasonable "baseline " projection of what would happen if current-law policies were allowed to operate in the future.

Realignment Revisited: An Evaluation of the 1991 Experiment in State-County Relations

If a final appellate court decision finds that the realignment provisions related to VLF deposits violate the Constitution, the VLF tax increase from 1991 would be repealed. Similarly, if a final appellate court decision finds that revenues from the half-cent realignment sales tax are subject to Proposition 98's education funding guarantee, this portio n of the sales tax would be repealed.

November 21

One subject about which we currently have unresolved questions involves what the tax status of such bonds will be. It is our present understanding that although such bonds will be tax-exempt at the state level, their tax status at the federal level will depend on the nature of the financing arrangements themselves.

[PDF] Fiscal and Policy Analysis of the California Consumer Power and Conservation Financing Authority

One subject about which we currently have unresolved questions involves what the tax status of such bonds will be. It is our present understanding that although such bonds will be tax-exempt at the state level, their tax status at the federal level will depend on the nature of the financing arrangements themselves.

[PDF] CAL FACTS California's Economy and Budget in Perspective

The property tax rate is limited to 1 percent by the Constitution, plus any additional rate necessary to pay for voter-approved debt. The average tax rate across the state in 2000-01 was 1.07 percent. !

Cal Facts 2002: Transportation

Multiple Taxes Are Collected At the Pump About 50 cents of the retail price of each gallon of gasoline and diesel fuel sold in California is taxes. Californians pay the following taxes at the pump: 18 cents in state "gas " tax for each gallon of gasoline and diesel fuel. 18.4 cents in federal tax for each gallon

Assembly Floor Packet

Adopts all of the $3.8  billion in tax increases and revenue accelerations proposed in the May Revision. These include a one-time increase in the vehicle license fee, a two-year suspension of net operating loss deductions, and an increase in the cigarette tax of 50 cents per pack.

Analysis of 2002-03 Mid-Year Budget Proposal

Current law generally requires local redevelopment agencies to deposit 20  percent of their property tax revenues (commonly referred to as "tax increment " revenues) into designated funds for the development of local low- and moderate-income housing.

A Commuter's Dilemma: Extra Cash or Free Parking

These tax expenses can be somewhat mitigated as they are considered business expenses eligible for tax deductions. Typically, business tax deductions reduce the cost of the program by approximately 40  percent.

LAO 2002 Recommended Legislation: Criminal Justice

LAO 2002 Recommended Legislation: Criminal Justice Legislative Analyst's Office, December 2002 Recommended Legislation Criminal Justice Enact Reforms in Prison Industry Authority Recommendation Privatize the Prison Industry Authority (PIA) as an independent, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization.