Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2013-14 Budget

If restarted, establish fees to recover the full cost of accreditation activities. 3-21-13 Reject the Governor’s January proposal to limit the funding determination process to the first and third years of a charter school’s operation.

The 2021-22 Budget: Assessment of CalHEERS Dashboard

Mar 25, 2021 - While the majority of issues are targeted to be addressed in CalHEERS releases over the next 24 m onths (informing the 24 ‑month CalHEERS roadmap), some issues are scheduled to be addressed in a 2024 r elease once the state migrates from its current SAWS to a single system called the CalSAWS.

[PDF] Approach to the 2011-12 In-Home Supportive Services Budget

Such a study is not currently underway, so full-year savings may not be available.  Long-Term Reduction Strategy – Evaluate the Role of a Physician Certifi cation for IHSS. Introducing a medically based eligibility process, such as a physician certifi cation, to the IHSS program would be a signifi cant change that should be carefully considered.

[PDF] Drug crimes.

Rob Bonta 3 October 25, 2023 Second, those who are sentenced to prison under current law could receive longer prison sentences in various ways under the measure. For example, people who receive five years in prison (such as because they were previously convicted of a sex crime) for selling fentanyl under current law could instead receive up to 12 years for selling fentanyl resulting in death under the measure.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (3980)

Specifically, OEHHA is required to have developed 25 PHGs by January 1, 1998, an additional 25 PHGs by January 1, 1999, and PHGs for all remaining drinking water contaminants for which DPH had adopted an MCL by December 31, 2001.

The 2019-20 Budget: Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

Feb 14, 2019 - For example, SWRCB administers: Drinking Water for Schools. Recent budgets provided $ 10  m illion General Fund in 2016 ‑17 and another $6. 8  m illion in 2018 ‑19 for grants to local education agencies to improve access to, and the quality of, drinking water in public schools.

[PDF] Governor's Redevelopment Proposal

The state has periodically enacted laws requiring redevelopment agencies to give shares of the property tax increment to school districts. For example, the state required redevelopment agencies to shift $2 billion to school districts over the last two fi scal years.

Proposition 6 [Ballot]

Nov 6, 2018 - It also set fixed rates on a second (add-on) gasoline excise tax and the diesel excise tax, both of which previously could change each year based on fuel prices. Further, SB  1 created the transportation improvement fee (which ranges from $25 to $175 per year) and a fee specifically for zero-emission vehicles (set at $100 per year for model years 2020 and later).

Assessing the Provision of Criminal Indigent Defense

Sep 22, 2022 - Finally, Chapter  583 of 2021 (A B  625 , Arambula) directed OSPD —upon appropriation —to undertake a study to assess appropriate workloads for indigent defense attorneys and to submit a report with findings and recommendations to the Legislature by January  1,  2024.

LAO Highlights of the 2002-03 Analysis and Perspectives and Issues

We recommend that a planned loan of $100 million from PTA to the TCRF be reduced in order to avoid the projected shortfall. ( Analysis, pages A-22 through A-25 .) Ongoing Funding for Stormwater Management Needs Justification The budget requests $23.4 million for Caltrans to manage stormwater runoff.